Is there a way to move Featurettes to the proper folder after the fact?

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Is there a way to move Featurettes to the proper folder after the fact?

Post by randyest »

I use the following example script to successfully move my stuff to Movies/TV Shows folders in plex format:

Code: Select all

cmd /c filebot . -script fn:amc --action move --def movieFormat="W:\{plex}" --def seriesFormat="W:\{plex}" --def excludeList="M:\Movies_to_manually_sort\filebot_logs\amc1.txt" --def --output "M:\Movies_to_manually_sort\filebot_logs" --def minFileSize=0 --def minLengthMS=0 --def subtitles=en --def artwork=y --def deleteAfterExtract=y  --conflict auto -non-strict --log-file "M:\filebot_logs\filebot.log"
I'm left with a bunch of files in directories like original_folder/featurettes/video_files.ext. Is there an automated way to move those Featurette subfolders from the original location into the correct plex-named output folders?
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Re: Is there a way to move Featurettes to the proper folder after the fact?

Post by WasabiNME »

There's a post-process setting in the options (tools icon, bottom right) where you can choose to import companion files. I haven't played with it that much, but it seems to move along all the other files in the same folder. Not sure how to do that in a script, though.
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Re: Is there a way to move Featurettes to the proper folder after the fact?

Post by randyest »

Thank you for the reply! I have never used the GUI but I believe the command-line equivalent is

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but I have not had good results with it so I've been amassing Featurettes and Trailers and such and I am looking for a way to move them into the proper target folders. I've done some manually but it's very time-consuming.
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Re: Is there a way to move Featurettes to the proper folder after the fact?

Post by rednoah »

:?: Does --apply post-processing features › Import companion files work?

Shell: Select all

--apply import

randyest wrote: 19 Oct 2023, 22:08 I've been amassing Featurettes and Trailers and such and I am looking for a way to move them into the proper target folders. I've done some manually but it's very time-consuming.
--apply import also works for previously processed files, since FileBot remembers the previous file path for each processed file:

Shell: Select all

filebot -find /path/to/Media --apply import
:idea: --apply post-processing features › Apply Post-Processing Features via the --apply option from Terminal
:idea: Please read the FAQ and How to Request Help.
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