My custom format moves files up in the folder tree

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My custom format moves files up in the folder tree

Post by botuser »

I am using this preset for renaming movie files:

Files: Use Original Files selection
Format: {}/{}

However, when I run this preset it moves files up the folder tree. For example, I have a file in:
D:\Movies\To Watch\Movie to be renamed.mp4

when I run the preset it moves to
D:\Movies\Movie Name\Movie Renamed.mp4

Am I using the wrong syntax?

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Re: Help with a rename preset

Post by rednoah »

:idea: If your format generates a relative file path, then FileBot will try to integrate that relatively to the current file structure.

:?: Where do you want to move / organize files? The file path given above looks good to me in the given context:

Code: Select all

D:\Movies\Avatar (2009)\Avatar (2009).mp4

:idea: You can generate absolute file paths to organize files paths absolutely:

Format: Select all

{ drive }/Media/{ }

:!: Note that {}/{} is a bad idea because you will not get what you want once you process subtitle files:

Format: Select all

Avatar (2009).eng/Avatar (2009)
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Re: My custom format moves files up in the folder tree

Post by botuser »

Thanks for the detailed explanation!

Ideally I would like the movie folder to be created relative to the location where the file is opened.

So in the case of:

Code: Select all

D:\Movies\To Watch\Movie to be renamed.mp4
I would like it to be located in:

Code: Select all

D:\Movies\To Watch\[Name of Movie]\Movie Renamed.mp4
Is there a way to set that?
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Re: My custom format moves files up in the folder tree

Post by rednoah »

You can generate an absolute path to move / rename files exactly as specified by that absolute path:

Format: Select all

{ folder }/{ ~plex }
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