The Fellowship of the Ring
Track 1: 6ch E-AC3 Atmos English
Track 2: 6ch E-AC3 Atmos German
Track 3-6: Commentary tracks
Result: [5.1 AC3+ Atmos (eng deu)][Commentary x4]
Groovy: Select all
import java.math.RoundingMode
import net.filebot.Language
it.Title =~ /^(?i:(?!comment|isolated).)*$/
def channels_string = channels
if (it.'ChannelPositions/String2'!=null) {
channels_string = it.'ChannelPositions/String2'
.replaceAll(/Object\sBased\s\/|0.(?=\d.\d)|\.\?/, '')
.inject(0, { a, b -> a + b })
.findAll { it > 0 }
.setScale(1, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)
[channels_string, it.FormatCommercial, it.Format_Profile
}.collect{ group, it ->
[*group, '('+it.'Language/String3'.unique().join(' ').lower().replaceAll(/zxx/,/silent/).removeAll(/-..$/)+')']
}.join(' ').replaceAll('Layer 3','MP3').replaceAll('Layer 2','MP2').replaceAll('Dolby Digital','AC3').replaceAll(' Plus','+')
.replaceAll('Master Audio','MA').replaceAll('Atmos',' Atmos').replaceAll('High Resolution Audio','HD').removeAll(/,| null|Dolby | with | Discrete| Matrix| \+ DTS|MPEG Audio/)
'<' : '﹤',
'>' : '﹥',
':' : 'ː',
'"' : '“',
'/' : '⁄',
'|' : '⼁',
'?' : '﹖',
'*' : '﹡',
'\\': '∖'
it.Title =~ /(?i:(comment))/
}.collect{ group, it ->
def comment_count = audio.findAll{it.Title =~ /(?i:(comment))/}.size
if (comment_count<2){comment_count=null}else{comment_count='x'+comment_count}
}.join(' ').removeAll(/,| null/)