Spider-Man (2018) 3D - Into the Spider-Verse
And I am testing this expression:
Code: Select all
{n =~ 'P90X' ? 'M:/Workouts' : n =~ '3D' ? 'Y:/test crap' : n =~ 'X-Rated' ? 'M:/Movies P' : 'M:/Movies/'}
However, if I switch the 3D to Man the new name goes to Y:/test crap
I don't understand why it won't pick up the 3D but does pick it up if I change that to Man.
Also, just so you know I tested it several ways, I tried moving 3D to the front of the name: 3D Spider-Man (2018).. Same results. Won't pick up the 3D but picks up Man if I use that. However, running more tests shows it won't pick up if I make it 'The' but does work if I make it 'Verse'
I am scratching my head......