This way, I don't have to stick to the databases and instead simply drag and drop fan-created name lists. This is the moment when I felt like hugging you and kissing you on the cheek tightly, although I never do it to other men, but I'll make an exception for you

I sincerely appreciate you and your genuine interest in helping us users. It's puzzling why this software hasn't gained more traction yet; it's incredibly useful. But one thing's for sure, once people catch wind of it, they won't look back.
I'll definitely do my part spread the word because I firmly believe this is one of the best finds, not just of this year, but period. And although, technically speaking, I didn't find it myself, you led me to this magic lamp, and I'm still happy nonetheless.
Thank you once more from the bottom of my heart for shaving off years of unnecessary effort, and my gratitude will never end for introducing me to this.