--apply import issues

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--apply import issues

Post by randyest »

I'm not really a n00b, at least not in years used, but I'll try here first. Is it possible to use:

Code: Select all

 --apply import
with the AMC script? I've tried with the following command and it still skips the Featurettes folders:

Code: Select all

cmd /c filebot . -script fn:amc --action move --apply import --def movieFormat="N:\video\{plex}"  ^
--def seriesFormat="U:\video\{plex}" --def excludeList="w:\filebot_logs\amc.txt" --def --output ^
 w:\filebot_logs" --def minFileSize=0 --def minLengthMS=0 --def subtitles=en --def artwork=y ^ 
 --def deleteAfterExtract=y  --conflict auto -non-strict --log-file "w:\filebot_logs\filebot.log"
Sorry for ^ instead of usual \, I'm running this on windows for historical and dumb reasons.

This script (with or without the --apply option) automates 80% of what I need to be done. But that remaining 20% is kinda sucky and I bet if I knew more I could wrap more into filebot, especially the manual step of moving featurettes folders to their new movie folders. I spot-tested --apply clean and it didn't do anything either, but I'm afraid of it anyway because I'm not sure what it thinks is clutter and it's not hard to bash declutter. So here is what I am running after filebot finishes:

Code: Select all

# Parse filebot log and remove files that were skipped/failed because they exist in output dir
#  also cleanup garbage files, sample files
# This is designed to run under Windows 10 with Cygwin because WSL doesn't support mapped drives
# That means you'll notice some \r\n instead of just \n in the perl regexps. 
# Looks for filebot.log in "W:\filebot_logs" - edit as needed if you're crazy enough to use this
# Looks for media files left after filebot run (the original source dir) in "W:\incoming\!NEWEST\((  MOVIES ))" - edit as needed
# I'm sure there is a better way, maybe entirely in filebot scripting, 
#  but I don't trust amc.txt exactly, and it grows over time
# The only remaining manual step is to copy extras/featurettes/etc dirs 
#  from extras_nosamples_manualcheck.txt to the appropriate destination (plex) folder
# Tested to work with filebot execution run.bat file from windows cmd prompt located inside top of media dir using this command; run AFTER filebot has run:
#  cmd /c filebot . -script fn:amc --action move --def movieFormat="N:\video\{plex}" ^
#  --def seriesFormat="U:\video\{plex}" --def excludeList="w:\filebot_logs\amc.txt" ^
#  --def --output "w:\filebot_logs" --def minFileSize=0 --def minLengthMS=0 --def subtitles=en ^
#  --def artwork=y --def deleteAfterExtract=y  --conflict auto -non-strict 
#  --log-file "w:\filebot_logs\filebot.log"
echo "Deleting trash"
cd "W:\incoming\!NEWEST\((  MOVIES ))"
shopt -s nocaseglob
rm -f *\*.ske *\*.nfo *\*.txt *\*.exe *\*.me *\*.info *\*.jpg *\*.png *\*.gif *\*sample* \
 *\*.html *\*.ico *\*.url *\*.torrent *\*.cbr *\*.!qb *\*.yify *\*.md5 *\*.sqlite *\*.bmp
shopt -u nocaseglob
echo " - Done"
cd "W:\filebot_logs"
echo "Creating scripts"
perl -p -e 's/\"//g; s/\“//g; s/\”//g;' filebot.log > filebot_noquotes.txt
grep "Skipped \[" filebot_noquotes.txt > skipped.txt
grep "Failed to process \[" filebot_noquotes.txt > failed.txt
grep "Ignore video extra" filebot_noquotes.txt > extras.txt
grep -i sample extras.txt > samples.txt
perl -p -e 's/Ignore video extra\: /rm -f \"/g; s/\r\n/\"\r\n/g' samples.txt > delete_samples.bash
grep -i -v sample extras.txt > extras_nosamples_manualcheck.txt
perl -p -e 's/Skipped \[/rm -f \"/g; s/\] because.*$/\"/g;' skipped.txt > delete_skipped.bash
perl -p -e 's/Failed to process \[/rm -f \"/g; s/\] because.*$/\"/g;' failed.txt > delete_failed.bash
echo "Deleting samples"
bash delete_samples.bash
echo " - Done"
echo "Deleting Skipped"
bash delete_skipped.bash
echo " - Done"
echo "Deleting Failed"
bash delete_failed.bash
echo " - Done"
1. If --apply is not intended to be used with fn:amc, as I have inferred from searching and reading threads, how is it used?

2. Skipped versus Failed: what's the difference? Skipped says "because the file already exists." Failed says "because the file already exists and is an exact duplicate", or words to that effect. Is there a way to tell filebot to go ahead and delete the Failed and/or Skipped files? If they exist, I don't want to keep them (or script to delete them), especially if they are exact dupes.

3. Movies or TV shows with skip buzzwords in them like "trailer" or "extras": should I rename the dir and the files to nottrailer and notextras or tr@iler and extr@s, run filebot, and rename them back? Will filebot even recognize the movie/series properly to get nfo, pics, subtitles, etc? Or should I just rely on Plex for that?

4. Please feel free to mock my roundabout solutions to what may be simpler problems. I'd just like to learn more about filebot, hopefully without learning groovy script. I do not find it groovy at all :) If you think I should make a separate thread for this please let me know.
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Re: Q&A for n00bs

Post by rednoah »

All --apply post-processing features work with the amc script because neither is aware of the other. The amc script will internally call -rename and then that will internally apply your --apply actions.


Code: Select all

$ ls INPUT
Alias.1x01.mp4	test.png
$ filebot -script fn:amc INPUT --output OUTPUT -non-strict --apply import
[MOVE] from [INPUT/Alias.1x01.mp4] to [OUTPUT/TV Shows/Alias/Season 01/Alias - S01E01 - Truth Be Told.mp4]
[IMPORT] Import test.png (OUTPUT/TV Shows/Alias/Season 01/test.png)

--conflict skip will print errors and then continue. --conflict fail will make the -rename call abort on error. If you process only a single file, then the result is probably about the same.

:idea: "because the file already exists." means that filebot can't process a given file because the target file path already exists. In this case, --conflict override can be specified to process the file anyway, thus deleting the file that was originally at the target file path.

:idea: "because the file already exists and is an exact duplicate" means that you probably have built an accidental infinite loop into your automated system, and that you need to ensure that you're not processing the same files over and over (i.e. don't process all files all the time, only process the new files that need processing, you can use the --def excludeList option to do that, other solutions are conceivable). During initial development and testing, you may want to delete test output folder and test exclude list before each test run to ensure a clean test case.

What doesn't work? What does the console output say when it doesn't work? Can you share example file paths?

:!: Replacing "trailer" with "notrailer" or "tr@iler" will not make it work better, because FileBot knows to ignore common keywords such as "trailer" but my not know to ignore custom keywords you just came up with.

Just use the {plex.id} format. It's pretty Groovy already.
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Re: Q&A for n00bs

Post by randyest »

Thank you for the quick and thorough reply. I'm sorry for my late response but it took filebot almost 3 days to work through my dir with all the "featurettes" dirs I'd been accumulating while being too lazy to move them manually.
rednoah wrote: 25 Oct 2022, 10:18 1.
All --apply post-processing features work with the amc script because neither is aware of the other. The amc script will internally call -rename and then that will internally apply your --apply actions.


Code: Select all

$ ls INPUT
Alias.1x01.mp4	test.png
$ filebot -script fn:amc INPUT --output OUTPUT -non-strict --apply import
[MOVE] from [INPUT/Alias.1x01.mp4] to [OUTPUT/TV Shows/Alias/Season 01/Alias - S01E01 - Truth Be Told.mp4]
[IMPORT] Import test.png (OUTPUT/TV Shows/Alias/Season 01/test.png)
OK, I'm now using --apply import. Right off the bat it Ignores one video extra but takes others from the same dir and seems to confuse the movie and say video files are not video files:

Code: Select all

Argument[0]: W:\incoming\!NEWEST\((  MOVIES ))\89 (2017)
Use excludes: w:\filebot_logs\amc.txt
Ignore video extra: W:\incoming\!NEWEST\((  MOVIES ))\89 (2017)\Featurettes\89-Behind the Scenes.mkv
Input: W:\incoming\!NEWEST\((  MOVIES ))\89 (2017)\Featurettes\Jim Rosenthal's Bet with Tony Adams.mkv
Input: W:\incoming\!NEWEST\((  MOVIES ))\89 (2017)\Featurettes\Lee Dixon's Chip Shop Memory.mkv
Input: W:\incoming\!NEWEST\((  MOVIES ))\89 (2017)\Featurettes\Menu 1.mkv
Input: W:\incoming\!NEWEST\((  MOVIES ))\89 (2017)\Featurettes\Menu 2.mkv
Input: W:\incoming\!NEWEST\((  MOVIES ))\89 (2017)\Featurettes\Thierry Henry's Back Four Experience.mkv
Input: W:\incoming\!NEWEST\((  MOVIES ))\89 (2017)\Featurettes\Thierry Henry's Thoughts on the Match.mkv
Group: {Movie=89 (2017)} => [Jim Rosenthal's Bet with Tony Adams.mkv, Lee Dixon's Chip Shop Memory.mkv, Menu 1.mkv, Menu 2.mkv, Thierry Henry's Back Four Experience.mkv, Thierry Henry's Thoughts on the Match.mkv]
No video files: [W:\incoming\!NEWEST\((  MOVIES ))\89 (2017)\Featurettes\Jim Rosenthal's Bet with Tony Adams.mkv, W:\incoming\!NEWEST\((  MOVIES ))\89 (2017)\Featurettes\Lee Dixon's Chip Shop Memory.mkv, W:\incoming\!NEWEST\((  MOVIES ))\89 (2017)\Featurettes\Menu 1.mkv, W:\incoming\!NEWEST\((  MOVIES ))\89 (2017)\Featurettes\Menu 2.mkv, W:\incoming\!NEWEST\((  MOVIES ))\89 (2017)\Featurettes\Thierry Henry's Back Four Experience.mkv, W:\incoming\!NEWEST\((  MOVIES ))\89 (2017)\Featurettes\Thierry Henry's Thoughts on the Match.mkv]
Rename movies using [TheMovieDB]
No media files: [W:\incoming\!NEWEST\((  MOVIES ))\89 (2017)\Featurettes\Jim Rosenthal's Bet with Tony Adams.mkv, W:\incoming\!NEWEST\((  MOVIES ))\89 (2017)\Featurettes\Lee Dixon's Chip Shop Memory.mkv, W:\incoming\!NEWEST\((  MOVIES ))\89 (2017)\Featurettes\Menu 1.mkv, W:\incoming\!NEWEST\((  MOVIES ))\89 (2017)\Featurettes\Menu 2.mkv, W:\incoming\!NEWEST\((  MOVIES ))\89 (2017)\Featurettes\Thierry Henry's Back Four Experience.mkv, W:\incoming\!NEWEST\((  MOVIES ))\89 (2017)\Featurettes\Thierry Henry's Thoughts on the Match.mkv]
Finished without processing any files
Failure (×_×)⌒☆
All 7 of those .mkv files in the "89 (2017)/Featurettes" folder are still there in the source drive/directory. The same thing happens to every Featurettes/*.mkv from what I can tell --or worse. Filebot either "Ignore video extra:" or says "No media files" and then lists the media files, or jams everything into a totally unrelated movie folder. (see below for details).
rednoah wrote: 25 Oct 2022, 10:18 2.
--conflict skip will print errors and then continue. --conflict fail will make the -rename call abort on error. If you process only a single file, then the result is probably about the same.

:idea: "because the file already exists." means that filebot can't process a given file because the target file path already exists. In this case, --conflict override can be specified to process the file anyway, thus deleting the file that was originally at the target file path.

:idea: "because the file already exists and is an exact duplicate" means that you probably have built an accidental infinite loop into your automated system, and that you need to ensure that you're not processing the same files over and over (i.e. don't process all files all the time, only process the new files that need processing, you can use the --def excludeList option to do that, other solutions are conceivable). During initial development and testing, you may want to delete test output folder and test exclude list before each test run to ensure a clean test case.
OK, I get it. I think. I don't want conflict override because I don't know if Filebot will overwrite a larger, higher quality version of a video with a smaller, poorer version. And regarding exact duplicates, my source dir and destination dirs are different drives and no kind of links exist between them. I have removed amc.txt, but not my destination folder -- too much stuff there. I had assumed "exact copy" meant same name/filesize or hash, but not the literal same file. It can't be the same file as they are in two separate locations.
rednoah wrote: 25 Oct 2022, 10:18 3.
What doesn't work? What does the console output say when it doesn't work? Can you share example file paths?

:!: Replacing "trailer" with "notrailer" or "tr@iler" will not make it work better, because FileBot knows to ignore common keywords such as "trailer" but my not know to ignore custom keywords you just came up with.
The TV show "Extras", for example, get's skipped thusly:

Code: Select all

Ignore video extra: W:\incoming\!NEWEST\((  MOVIES ))\Extras\Season 1\Extras - S01E01 - Ben Stiller DVD.mkv
Ignore video extra: W:\incoming\!NEWEST\((  MOVIES ))\Extras\Season 1\Extras - S01E02 - Ross Kemp and Vinnie Jones DVD.mkv
Ignore video extra: W:\incoming\!NEWEST\((  MOVIES ))\Extras\Season 1\Extras - S01E03 - Kate Winslet DVD.mkv
The Trailer Park boys and a few other I can't recall are treated the same. I was suggesting replacing "trailer" with "notrailer" or "tr@iler", or "Extras" with "3xtras" so that Filebot would not skip them. I'm trying to work around the fact that it ignores certain words and skips files that happen to have Extras or Trailer in the name.
rednoah wrote: 25 Oct 2022, 10:18 4.
Just use the {plex.id} format. It's pretty Groovy already.
I did that and see the tmdb number in braces appended to the dir and file names like so {tmdb-2009} -- what does that buy me?

And the importing, oh the importing, when it doesn't ignore or claim they're not video files, for example:

Code: Select all

[IMPORT] Import Various - This Is England.log (N:\video\Movies\Hatching Pete (2009) {tmdb-52699}\This Is England (2006) + Extras (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 Panda)\Soundtrack\Various - This Is England.log)
[IMPORT] Import Various - This Is England.m3u (N:\video\Movies\Hatching Pete (2009) {tmdb-52699}\This Is England (2006) + Extras (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 Panda)\Soundtrack\Various - This Is England.m3u)
[IMPORT] Import Featurette - Behind the Scenes.mkv (N:\video\Movies\Hatching Pete (2009) {tmdb-52699}\This Is England (2010) Season 1 S01 + Extras (1080p x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 Panda)\Featurettes\Featurette - Behind the Scenes.mkv)
[IMPORT] Import Featurette - Deleted Scenes.mkv (N:\video\Movies\Hatching Pete (2009) {tmdb-52699}\This Is England (2010) Season 1 S01 + Extras (1080p x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 Panda)\Featurettes\Featurette - Deleted Scenes.mkv)
[IMPORT] Import Menu Art.mkv (N:\video\Movies\Hatching Pete (2009) {tmdb-52699}\This Is England (2010) Season 1 S01 + Extras (1080p x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 Panda)\Featurettes\Menu Art.mkv)
[IMPORT] Import Outtakes.mkv (N:\video\Movies\Hatching Pete (2009) {tmdb-52699}\This Is England (2010) Season 1 S01 + Extras (1080p x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 Panda)\Featurettes\Outtakes.mkv)
[IMPORT] Import Photo Gallery.mkv (N:\video\Movies\Hatching Pete (2009) {tmdb-52699}\This Is England (2010) Season 1 S01 + Extras (1080p x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 Panda)\Featurettes\Photo Gallery.mkv)
[IMPORT] Import Cast Interviews #2.mkv (N:\video\Movies\Hatching Pete (2009) {tmdb-52699}\This Is England (2010) Season 2 S02 + Extras (1080p x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 Panda)\Featurettes\Cast Interviews #2.mkv)
This is just a small set of one example of many places where FIlebot put a ton of folders with extras inside a completely different movie folder. I think this will take more time to sort out than if I had skipped --apply import and just manually moved extras folders to their proper places. Now I have to open 3000 or so folders to check them if I can't come up with a script of some kind. It's a mess and I don't understand what's happening or why.
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Re: Q&A for n00bs

Post by rednoah »

Featurettes are ignored as non-movie files. --apply requires you to process at least 1 movie file, upon which post-processing actions are then applied after processing.

:idea: Your 89 (2017) movie folder does not contain a 89 (2017).mkv movie file according to the log. Since no movie files are selected for processing, nothing happens, and no post-processing actions are executed.

:idea: You can call post-processing operations on already processed files, assuming that you have the xattr metadata and history:
rednoah wrote: 14 Sep 2019, 20:35 Apply Post-Processing Features via Filter

Post-processing features can be applied to an existing set of files via AttributesImage Apply assuming that xattr metadata is readily available.

Apply Post-Processing Features via the --apply option from Terminal

--apply can be added to -rename, -find and -mediainfo commands to enable common post-processing tasks for newly renamed files or previously renamed files.


Code: Select all

--apply artwork nfo url metadata


I've updated the amc script to ignore Featurettes folders right away to make the console output less confusing when processing no primary video files / only extra files:
https://github.com/filebot/scripts/comm ... 3d1f8ef29f

:arrow: I will limit myself to a 1 page reply here. Please create a dedicated thread for each question or topic if you have further questions or topics of discussion. You have good and valid questions, and other users might run into the same issues, so they deserve dedicated topics.
(a dedicated thread per topic works best for Google Search so that the next guy can benefit from previously answered questions as well)
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Re: Q&A for n00bs

Post by randyest »

Yeah, thanks. So I'd guess it'd skip featurettes without an accompanying movie, ok, but I just totally fucked my library and am just too spent to make threads. Not only are there thousands of files randomly scattered in unrelated movie and tv dirs, but now I have duplicate dirs and files with and without the {plex.id} addon, which I have no idea why I'd want. If I ever get this sorted out I'll just go back to my old bash scrip. At least I understood what it was doing.
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Re: --apply import issues

Post by rednoah »

:?: What happened?

:?: How are your files organised?

:?: Do you have a small test case (i.e. file paths) or logs so we can reproduce the problem?

:?: --apply import is very simple and very generic in that will simply copy along sibling files and folders from the same parent folder of files being processed. Are you getting a different behaviour? Is this behaviour undesirable in your specific use case? (NOTE: this could be a problem if you have multiple different movies in the same folder, and extras for multiple different movies in the same folder)

:!: You'll always want to test and run your commands on a small set of sample files first. You'll never want to run automated tools on all your files without thorough testing on a small but representative set of sample files.

:!: You always want to separate input and output folder so that you can leave the input folder untouched, and generate the desired output folder, and keep both just in case. (NOTE: the amc script strongly encourages --action duplicate for every use case)
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Re: --apply import issues

Post by randyest »

The main hassle is using --apply import created subdirectories and added files unrelated target location directories. I showed a snipped of mixing up movies in my last long post. I can send you the whole log but it's 2.5MB zipped so I doubt you want to look through all that mess. If you do pick your favorite filehost and I'll send it.

I did test it on a few dirs first and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I also know about duplicate but I didn't lose anything, I just have it all mixed up in new movie name subdirs inside other movie name directories, some being duplicated with the original copies still there, and some having moved them. So I just have to move everything back manually, skip overwrites, then deleted the out-of-place stuff. I use move because I need space freed up in my incoming/source directory. It's never been a problem until I tried the import option.

I also don't know why I want {pled.id} instead of {plex} which was fine, but at least that gives me hints as to where the new subdirs were created in unrelated dirs so I can fix it a little easier. Or at least I hope it's only those.
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Re: --apply import issues

Post by rednoah »

Sure. Please PM me a Google Drive / One Drive / Dropbox share link. Just sharing the input file paths would be fine though. I can run filebot myself if I can generate your file structure with empty files.

:idea: If you're using Linux then you can use the find command to print file paths:

Code: Select all

find /path/to/files > paths.txt

:idea: If you're using Windows, then you can use the FileBot Desktop application, load in some files, and then press F7 to copy all the file paths into the clipboard:

In this case, you would have been well-served with a separate empty output folder, i.e. a disposable output folder that can be deleted / regenerated easily, as you do test runs on all your files, until you're happy with the result, at which point you then merge that into your long-term output folder.

If you're using Plex (or any other software that identifies files based on the file name) then adding a {tmdb-123456} marker will make it things work a lot more consistently for a variety of tricky corner cases:
https://support.plex.tv/articles/naming ... how-files/

:idea: There are TV shows with the same name from the same year. The ID is always a unique and reliable identifier, irregardless of language, spelling, alias naming, etc. It also makes Plex faster because it won't have to search-by-name to find the numeric ID, and eliminates the possibility of finding the wrong similarly-named series.

:idea: You have a series named Extras right? Extras {tmdb-2693} will help clarify that this is that specific series, and not some random Extras folder.
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Re: --apply import issues

Post by randyest »

Hi again,

I PM'd you a link to my file lists, but if you haven't already done anything with them please don't bother. I've mostly gotten sorted out and back to a decent point. I will do a test run with --apply import once I am sure every Featurettes dir is next to a movie to be renamed and moved as well.

I wonder: can FileBot can help me put my Featurettes dirs and the files within them into the correct destination folder.? There is no main movie files in these dirs; they were moved out already. And of course the Source dirs that contain the Featurettes dirs are not the same name as the already-FileBot-processed destination dirs.

Is there any way to tell FileBot to figure out the proper Destination dir from the folder name and move SourceDir/BadNameThatFileBotFiguredOut/Featurettes into the "DestinationDir/Proper Movie Name (Date)/" folder?
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Re: --apply import issues

Post by rednoah »

randyest wrote: 29 Nov 2022, 08:25 I wonder: can FileBot can help me put my Featurettes dirs and the files within them into the correct destination folder.? There is no main movie files in these dirs; they were moved out already. And of course the Source dirs that contain the Featurettes dirs are not the same name as the already-FileBot-processed destination dirs.

Yes. Filter ➔ Attributes ➔ Apply ➔ Import companion files should work for previously processed files:
rednoah wrote: 14 Sep 2019, 20:35 Apply Post-Processing Features via Filter

Post-processing features can be applied to an existing set of files via AttributesImage Apply assuming that xattr metadata is readily available.
:idea: The History allows Import companion files to know the previous movie file location from where it will copy along companion files.

randyest wrote: 29 Nov 2022, 08:25 Is there any way to tell FileBot to figure out the proper Destination dir from the folder name and move SourceDir/BadNameThatFileBotFiguredOut/Featurettes into the "DestinationDir/Proper Movie Name (Date)/" folder?
I don't understand what this means. Please use example file paths to illustrate what you're trying to do and where you're stuck. If you want to rewrite file paths in a generic way (i.e. no movie identification) then Plain File Mode can probably do what you want to do, but you would have to express what you want to do in code / algorithmic detail.
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Re: --apply import issues

Post by randyest »

I'll try the history method. I assume if xattr metadata is not available I can use filebot to try to add it?

What I meant in that last paragraph is the same as what you answered, worded differently to try to be clear. Specifically:

In my "source" dir, I have a bunch of "[Website] Movie.Name.2022.1080.bluray.K3WL-GR00P" folders that only contain a Featurettes folder with some featurette video files inside (Some are named Extras, Trailers, or similar, but I can rename those to Featurettes easily enough.)

In my "destination" dir, I have the movie video file that belongs to that poorly-named folder and the "Featurettes/*" files, but that movie video file is now in a folder named "Movie Name (2022)" and the movie file is named "Movie Name (2022).mkv" instead of the original "[Website] Movie.Name.2022.1080.bluray.K3WL-GR00P.mkv"

Sounds like the history method is what I need to try. I'll give it a go. Thank you for your support.
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Re: --apply import issues

Post by rednoah »

randyest wrote: 29 Nov 2022, 10:04 I assume if xattr metadata is not available I can use filebot to try to add it?
xattr metadata is generally available for files that have been processed with FileBot, unless xattr is disabled or does not work on the target file system.
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Re: --apply import issues

Post by randyest »

OK, I loaded FileBot GUI, loaded my post-FileBot processed movies, and I see this


I don't know where to find Filter ➔ Attributes ➔ Apply ➔ Import companion files. Should I click "apply" on the screen above? I'm kinda scared to :D . Some of them are incorrect, but I don't see how to fix/change them, and I can't make the windows any wider to see the complete fields to check.

Filter ➔ Attributes ➔ Apply ➔ Import companion files make me think of a drop-down menu, but I did click the "Filter Icon" and then the "Attributes" tab, and there's an "Apply" button right there but it doesn't look like your screenshot.

Sorry, I never use the GUI. I'll look for docs and see if I can figure out what you mean.
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Re: --apply import issues

Post by rednoah »

The Apply popup will pop up when you click the Apply button:

:idea: Since Import companion files relies only on historic input / output path information, incorrect xattr metadata does not matter in this case. You can fix xattr metadata by processing files with FileBot with the correct match.

You can also do this via the command-line:
rednoah wrote: 14 Sep 2019, 20:35 Apply Post-Processing Features via the --apply option from Terminal

--apply can be added to -rename, -find and -mediainfo commands to enable common post-processing tasks for newly renamed files or previously renamed files.
:?: Does this work? Make sure to not run this on your entire library (same rule applies to the GUI) and start with small isolated test cases first:

Code: Select all

filebot -find /current/file/path --apply import
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Re: --apply import issues

Post by randyest »

No, running this just lists every file in the specified path, but does not move any Featurettes or Extras folders/files.
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Re: --apply import issues

Post by rednoah »

Here's what I get:

Console Output: Select all

$ find input
$ filebot -rename input/Avatar.2009.mp4 --output output
[MOVE] from [input/Avatar.2009.mp4] to [output/Avatar (2009).mp4]
Processed 1 file
$ filebot -find output --apply import
output/Avatar (2009).mp4
[IMPORT] Import movie.nfo (output/movie.nfo)
[IMPORT] Import poster.png (output/poster.png)
$ find output
output/Avatar (2009).mp4

I can confirm that --apply import works after-the-fact on already-processed files. Assuming that the files have been processed with FileBot, i.e. xattr metadata and history is present.
:idea: Please read the FAQ and How to Request Help.
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