Wishlist for New Features and Scripts

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Re: Wishlist for New Features and Scripts

Post by ChilliNr1 »

Hi there,
I`m new here and first of all I`d like to thank you for this great time saving tool!!!
I`m from Germany and my problem is, when the files are found on the database, they will be renamed with ä, ö and ü instead of ae, oe and ue.
Is it possible to configure filebot to replace these letters?
Thank you in advance!
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Re: Wishlist for New Features and Scripts

Post by rednoah »

You can try using the ascii() function or just do your own replacement logic. It's all in the format expression, just look at the examples and adapt to your needs.
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Re: Wishlist for New Features and Scripts

Post by Retexks »

I posted this in another thread but wanting to add it to the wishlist, support for the <AliasNames> field from the TVDB API.
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Re: Wishlist for New Features and Scripts

Post by rednoah »

I'm planning on adding full support for aliases so the matching logic can take aliases in consideration as well. This gonna affect many different areas within filebot so it's gonna take a while.
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Verification of Series Completeness

Post by dcassidy »

Verification. I was wondering if there are any plan for providing functionality to assess the completeness of 'series' of episodes.

Supposing you have (in a File Tree) let's say 20 documentary series (or TV drama series for that matter). You would however like to 'report' on the completeness of those series. You may start by taking for example the following steps. (I will assume that the episodes have been renamed using e.g. TheTVDB ! Thus: A history of the source is maintained!)
1. FileBot - List - Load the first folder (sub-folder) containing the series and you see what you have. Save the List as e.g. MySeries_1_List.txt
2. FileBot - Episodes - 'Find' the related episodes of that series. Save the List as e.g. MySeries_1_Episodes.txt
So, manually you can compare through two notepad sessions or a comparison tool what's matching and what's missing (Notwithstanding the issue of the format of the episode names in the 2 text files.

A nice feature would be to go to a function or 'Tool'..under e.g. FileBot - Analyze...load the File Tree and have a 4th Tool Tab 'Verify' (After Archives, Disks, Types) called Verify (or something similar) to perform this functionality at one click of a button.
I realize that you always have to ultimate challenge in comparison of the old 'apples' and 'pears' chestnut...but with a few assumptions like 'From which source was the file 'Renamed' (e.g. TVRage) and of course the FileFormat used (so these would have to be stored as well ?) it may be possible.

Of course, if I am overlooking a neat way of achieving this functionality that I have overlooked I would be obliged to be advised.


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Re: Wishlist for New Features and Scripts

Post by rednoah »

This is what I've come up with in a minimum amount of code:
http://www.filebot.net/forums/viewtopic ... =869#p5518

It's basically 3 lines of groovy so don't expect the world. ;)
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Re: Wishlist for New Features and Scripts

Post by dcassidy »

Excellent...many thanks...still getting to grips with this groovy script...I guess knowing Java would be a help !!!
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Re: Wishlist for New Features and Scripts

Post by RandmTask »

Filebot quite often (for me) does not accurately scrape the correct match in RENAME.

This can be difficult to see when you are renaming to another directory

Suggest having a toggle button r option for whether to show the full path or just the filename in the NEW NAMES window. This would make it much easier to compare whether the file is matched correctly while also being able to check the path if desired

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Re: Wishlist for New Features and Scripts

Post by Brodieman »

How about shell integration? I attached a reg file you can run that will do it (at least in my format), but an option in the program to turn it on and off would be cool. Right now I can right click a file and rename it based on my format, rather than having to open the program. Then people can changed to their own format easily.

This is a simple "root" of the right click, not sure if you can write a shell extension for "subfolders" under the right click for TV, Movies....

Thanks for this by the way, I love filebot.
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Re: Wishlist for New Features and Scripts

Post by rednoah »

Thanks for the samples.

Here's what I came up with:

Code: Select all

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\Rename Episode\command]
@="cmd /c filebot -rename -r \"%1\" --db TheTVDB -non-strict --log-file context.log"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\Rename Movie\command]
@="cmd /c filebot -rename -r \"%1\" --db TheMovieDB -non-strict --log-file context.log"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Folder\shell\Import to Video Library\command]
@="cmd /c filebot -script fn:amc \"%1\" --output \"%%USERPROFILE%%\\Videos\" --action move -non-strict --log-file context.log --def artwork=n clean=y"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Folder\shell\Fetch Artwork for TV Shows\command]
@="cmd /c filebot -script fn:artwork.tvdb \"%1\" --log-file context.log"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Folder\shell\Fetch Artwork for Movies\command]
@="cmd /c filebot -script fn:artwork.tmdb \"%1\" --log-file context.log"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Folder\shell\Fetch Subtitles\command]
@="cmd /c filebot -script fn:suball \"%1\" -non-strict --lang en --log-file context.log"

Because of the multi-platform nature I don't intent to add this to the application itself. But I'll provide the .reg file for people that would like these context actions.
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Re: Wishlist for New Features and Scripts

Post by Brodieman »

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Re: Wishlist for New Features and Scripts

Post by victorroman »

I first want to say thank you for making FileBot. It is truly awesome and saves me so much time, its so flexible and very good at what it does.

There are a couple of features that I would like that would help with a few "corner cases" that I run into from time to time and I hope they are not too difficult to implement.

First, it would be nice to have an argument like "--conflict confirm" that would pop up a dialog to confirm any conflicts. I realize that command line is typically used to avoid the gui but sometimes it is not correct and I personally would not mind confirming everything if it is just a simple "OK" with a drop-down of possible matches. Or maybe a new command-line argument like "--confirm {never, always, conflict}"

Second, I would like to be able to bring up the normal GUI via command line but have it loaded with a list of files to match that i provide via the command line arguments. I could not see a way to do this, maybe i missed it. Sometimes the file names are so completely mangled that I have to match it manually. If i could select a bunch of files and bring up filebot with that list as command line arguments that would be really nice.

If these are not trivial and you don't have the time to do it I understand, thanks anyways.

Again thank you so much for making this tool, it is truly awesome.

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Re: Wishlist for New Features and Scripts

Post by rednoah »

There will be no CLI operations with GUI mixed in. This can easily be scripted (like in the artwork.* scripts) based on existing CLI functions, i.e. run in test mode, confirm with user, run again in rename mode.

I don't see starting filebot with args being more efficient that just dragging in selected files. You do use Drag-n-Drop right? Like in my video tutorial.
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Re: Wishlist for New Features and Scripts

Post by victorroman »

Thanks for taking the time to respond rednoah.

1: If it would be too much work then never mind, thanks anyways. Out of curiosity, can I ask why you would never want to run a gui even though the application was invoked command line? I realize that the cli is meant for automation, even in a head-less environment. However the CLI is very useful and can be used for automation with other tools that have gui elements (like FileMenu tools which i talk about below). It still has uses even in a gui environment.

2: No I dont use drag & drop. From within uTorrent i right click the torrent and open the containing dir. Then i use a tool called FileMenu Tools so i can right-click the file directly and that gives me an option on the right-click context menu to run FileBot with command line arguments i have setup (similar to the uTorrent run command).

Why not run the command automatically through uTorrent you ask? Well it has never worked right for me... i have spent a lot of time messing with it to get to work (reinstalled utorrent, run as admin, futzing with bat / groovy scripts...etc) but it simply does not run the command. The utorrent log says that it runs it but it does not.... that is not your problem however, nor do i care to solve it. I kinda prefer it this way because i download a lot of the same stuff and i like to screen things before i rename / move them over to my media server. Also, some things i download never end up going to the media server... so automatically moving them is not always ideal for me.

So, anyways, after all that, i wanted to be able to add another right-click option to run filebot with the files i have selected and i could do that if i could pass them in via command line.

I realize I am asking for things that are for my specific use case. If any of this happens to line up at all with some other objectives you have then great, if not and you are not willing to include them, no worries. The software is great as is, I was just trying to eek out a little more efficiency in my setup.

btw just donated 20 euros to show my thanks for making filebot. It's not much but hopefully it will pay for a few drinks as thanks for all the time you saved me. Cheers
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Re: Wishlist for New Features and Scripts

Post by rednoah »

CLI must be simple and clean. Also passing parameter would be rather limited. By CLI i mean the basic cmdline operations -rename -extract -get-subtitles etc, if you need advanced logic, or any kind of GUI controls as part of your logic, then it can all be done with groovy scripting. The artwork.* scripts do that already. So it'll be quite easy to add that later but i don't have time for fringe features right now.

I figure most of your customizations would be quite easy to script. But you'd have to be a bit comfy with Groovy.

About running filebot from utorrent there might be some hint in the AMC troubleshooting notes or FAQ. But I guess it's already working out for you.
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Re: Wishlist for New Features and Scripts

Post by Willi »

I'm a movie and TV show Lover and Filebot has made that experience all the better to help me organised my Movie collection. :D

I have seen some posts in different forums asking to add Trailer download feature that can be used as an option, similar to post art. I would love to hear it is in the works to be able to use this option when sorting and organizing my movie collection along with a trailer. Perhaps a plug in that does something similar?

E.g. Couch Potato V2 does an awesome job of downloading trailers, much better than V1, and it would be nice...super nice to have the same option in Filebot so we can stick to this to one tool without any tradeoffs. Trailer can be used to decide wich movie to watch within an Plex application as an example.

Is someone else said earlier, it's how they decide what to watch. When you only have a couple of movie nights a week, you want to make the most of it.

Thank again for this great tool!
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Re: Wishlist for New Features and Scripts

Post by rednoah »

The current TheMovieDB info I get does include youtube/apple trailers, but they do make it difficult to just download the video files.

I guess hd-trailers has some download links that work but i won't implement anything based on scraping web pages (unless someone want's to fund the work, and subsequent updates every time the page layout changes).
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Re: Wishlist for New Features and Scripts

Post by jeremyk »


Feature request:
Filebot is, as we all know fantastic at renaming files. How about it also renames the directory in which the files are held?

I had many files in directories like 'shrek-the-third-oXXo-torrent' and in there was the file similarly named. An option to rename the directory too would be very cool.

I for one appreciate all the work and effort that goes into this. You deserve a financial reward.
a) Limit the number of file fixes in a 24 hour period to say 5 for eval versions
b) Simply charge a low price say $10 (There must be a few thousand users out there) for a license
c) Have a premium feature set that costs.

Additional features that would be useful:
Have Filebot catalog video and audio files
Have Filebot help manage disk utilisation
Have Filebot manage duplicates
Have Filebot move the file to a target after rename

Anyway, its a great product. If you can build in a folder rename option that would make me very happy.


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Re: Wishlist for New Features and Scripts

Post by rednoah »

You can easily do something similar to folder-renaming by just organizing files into a new folder structure using the format. The only downside is that empty folders remain, but since they will be in a different folder structure u can either ignore them or delete all once in a while, or use the cleaner script.

I'll look into your suggestions, does make sense.
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Re: Wishlist for New Features and Scripts

Post by jeremyk »

Hi rednoah

Whilst your suggestion is easily achieved using the CLI, I have not found a way to do it in the Gui console. Most user will not get to involved with the CLI.

Is there a way to do this in the gui?

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Re: Wishlist for New Features and Scripts

Post by rednoah »

You just define an absolute path in the format. Then your files will be moved there, into the folder structure as defined by your format.

Just make sure the new path is in a different folder.

From: X:/Downloads/...
To: X:/TV Shows/...

If there's empty folders in Downloads you can just delete the whole folder once in a while. Or ignore them, as empty folders don't take space.
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Re: Wishlist for New Features and Scripts

Post by jeffj »

I looked for this option and could not find it.

Could you include a way to define exclusions for file types whilst renaming.

For example, my laziness has ended up with pretty poor file naming that i am trying to resolve. However When i select a whole folder to rename it bites me in the butt as it will try to rename NFO files, txt files, RAR files and so forth. If these files all reside in the same directory, i get naming conflicts.

adding an option to only try to rename known media file types or the ability to make exclusions to file extensions would be absolutely brilliant!

Thanks! and Thank god for Filebot!
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Re: Wishlist for New Features and Scripts

Post by rednoah »

Are you talking about the GUI?
Q: How can I make FileBot only process video files? i.e. ignore artwork, nfo files, etc
That's easy, just selectively drag in the files you want. Search by *.avi OR *.mkv, then select everything and drag it into FileBot. Alternatively you can use the Analyze panel to group files by extension and then drag over the groups of files you'd like to rename.
Alternatively you can also drag in a text file that contains only the paths you want to process.
From CLI you would do the same with some basic scripting.
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Rename problem with ä,ö,ü

Post by ChilliNr1 »

ChilliNr1 wrote:Hi there,
I`m new here and first of all I`d like to thank you for this great time saving tool!!!
I`m from Germany and my problem is, when the files are found on the database, they will be renamed with ä, ö and ü instead of ae, oe and ue.
Is it possible to configure filebot to replace these letters?
Thank you in advance!
Hello again,

I`m still having the problem above and no solution.
Can anyone describe me the way to rename the files with ae, oe and ue instead of ä,ö and ü?
I`ve tried something but I can`t figure it out.

Many thanks and Happy Holidays!
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Re: Wishlist for New Features and Scripts

Post by rednoah »

Convert Unicode to ASCII. (e.g. "Österreich" -> "Osterreich" or "カタカナ" -> "katakana").
Use ascii() function:

Code: Select all

Or just replace:

Code: Select all

{t.replaceAll('ä', 'ae')}
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