[User Study] Take a screen recording and earn yourself a free license

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[User Study] Take a screen recording and earn yourself a free license

Post by rednoah »

As developers, we often don't really know how end-users end up using our tools. Everything is intuitive if you already know how it works, but how about new users? How is the on-boarding experience? What pitfalls are there? How do do various kinds of users interpret and explore the FileBot user-interface? What thoughts do they have?

You may download and evaluate FileBot without having to purchase a license first:

:arrow: If you take a screen recording of your on-boarding experience, you can earn yourself a 1-year complimentary license. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. :mrgreen:

:idea: Feel free to think out loud and narrate what you are doing.
:idea: Screen recordings can be shared publicly via YouTube, or privately by sharing a Google Drive link via PM.

:arrow: This offer is also available for seasoned FileBot veterans who would like to provide detailed constructive criticisms for the various more or less intuitive features, and discuss ideas on how to make things work more smoothly. :ugeek:
:idea: Please read the FAQ and How to Request Help.
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