ABC 20/20 (US) IMDB Seasons Incorrect

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ABC 20/20 (US) IMDB Seasons Incorrect

Post by robfwtx »

I now see the drawback for TV episode information coming from a single source. When the Season on IMDB states 45 and the official Series Page and Hulu state 44, how do you account for that?

I tried submitting a request to correct but they want me to go episode by episode to correct it. They don't give direct table access, which would make this a much easier job.

Is there a way to adjust in FileBot so I can maintain the correct information?
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Re: ABC 20/20 (US) IMDB Seasons Incorrect

Post by rednoah »

FileBot does not use IMDb.

:?: What is the specific problem that you have encountered (feel free to include screenshots for context) that is the result of IMDB seasons being incorrect? Isn't Hulu a streaming service like Netflix? Does Hulu allow you to import your own files? What database does Hulu use to identify files?

:arrow: If you're processing files for HTPC software like Plex or Kodi, then you want to use the same database in FileBot. For example, if your Plex TV Series agent is configured to use TheMovieDB/TV then you'll want to process files with TheMovieDB/TV and force your episodes into that specific SxE numbering regardless of the current filename, manually (see FAQ #2 for details) if necessary.

:idea: Custom formats are programmable, so you could encode your customizations in your custom format and generate the destination paths you want. Though technically possible, this is likely the wrong way to approach the problem.
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Re: ABC 20/20 (US) IMDB Seasons Incorrect

Post by robfwtx »

Someone got the wrong season numbers first. I suspect IMDB and from there it spread to The TVDB and others. Only Google and ABC News has the proper season numbers.

You can check for yourself by visiting: ... f-murdaugh and note the S44E11 listed below the player window. Now visit: Scroll down to Episode 11 and you'll see the episode ABC News labels as S44E11.

I've repeated this exercise on The TVDB months ago and it doesn't seem like anyone will fix this. So I suspect I need a Season offset or maybe a substitute entry in an INI or CFG file. There has to be a way to keep these labeled correctly.
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Re: ABC 20/20 (US) IMDB Seasons Incorrect

Post by rednoah »

Well, if you're using TheTVDB, then I'd recommend to just accept TheTVDB as "truth" and everything else "wrong". If the files you have don't match TheTVDB numbering, thus resulting in mismatches, then I'd just use Double-Click -> Edit Match to fix each match one by one and thus normalizing and enforcing naming and numbing according to TheTVDB. That is the key to a clean library that can be used as input for 3rd party software like Plex and Kodi.

i.e. you'll want to rename S44E11 - Fall of the House of Murdaugh to S45E11 - Fall of the House of Murdaugh and then just leave it at that
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Re: ABC 20/20 (US) IMDB Seasons Incorrect

Post by robfwtx »


It has to match the network my friend. And the network says there is no Season 45.

When a source is wrong, it's wrong.
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Re: ABC 20/20 (US) IMDB Seasons Incorrect

Post by robfwtx »

I know how to edit episodes. I already correct the MP4 tags and have Plex set to pull from the MP4 file first.

This can't be the first time a source is off.

Oh well, forget I said anything.
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Re: ABC 20/20 (US) IMDB Seasons Incorrect

Post by rednoah »

Well, you can fight the system and put in a lot of effort to make things work the way you want. That is one option.

It's just easier to go with the flow. That's the other more easy option that I would recommend.

Whatever floats your boat. The folks over at the Plex forums have strong opinions on this one though, because most of them rely on standard file naming for identification rather than embedded tags.
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