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Use filebot to share movie base on language?

Posted: 23 Feb 2023, 20:49
by MickeMM

Does filebot read mkv file so it can move english and swedish language to folder and skip rest?

I use this code, works perfect. But i never watch movie that dosen't have english and swedish language.

Code: Select all

/bin/bash /filebot-portable/ -script fn:amc --output "$CONFIG_OUTPUT" --action duplicate -non-strict --conflict auto --log-file amc.log --def clean=y --def excludeList=".excludes" ut_dir="$ARG_PATH" ut_kind="multi" ut_title="$ARG_NAME" ut_label="$ARG_LABEL" --def ignore="fylla_disken|uppackat" --def movieFormat=""$CONFIG_OUTPUT"{any{/Animation/ in genres ? 'omkodat/animerat/Movies/"$(date "+%Y")"/"$(date "+%W")"' : genres =~ /Documentary/? 'dokumentar/erase' : 'omkodat/film/Movies/"$(date "+%Y")"/"$(date "+%W")"'}{'dokumentar/radera'}}/{plex.tail}" seriesFormat=""$CONFIG_OUTPUT"serie/{plex}"

Re: Use filebot to share movie base on language?

Posted: 24 Feb 2023, 02:27
by rednoah
Yes, you can process different movies in different ways based on arbitrary movie or media properties, so you just need to modify your custom format and implement the desired beahviour:

Code: Select all

{ audioLanguages =~ /eng|swe/ ? '/path/to/Movies' : '/path/to/Trash' }


Code: Select all

		audioLanguages =~ /eng|swe/ ? 'English and Swedish'
		: 'Other Language'
	{ 'No Language' }
		genres =~ /Animation/ ? 'Animation/Movies' + today.format('/yyyy/ww')
		: genres =~ /Documentary/ ? 'Documentary/Movies'
		: 'Other Genre/Movies' + today.format('/yyyy/ww')
	{ 'No Genre/Movies' }
{ plex.tail }

:idea: This custom format is complex, so you'll want to maintain it in an external text file, and not in-line on the command-line. Use the @file syntax for reading command-line arguments from external text files:

Code: Select all

--def movieFormat=@/path/to/MovieFormat.groovy

:idea: If you want to not process files that are not English/Swedish then you can use the --file-filter option. See How to process only specific kinds of files? for details.

Re: Use filebot to share movie base on language?

Posted: 28 Feb 2023, 17:24
by MickeMM
Thank you SO MUCH!
I will try it when i come home from the sea.
And again, thank you!

Edit: Something like this?
--def movie=eng,swe

I cant test it now, just did a simple search :)

Re: Use filebot to share movie base on language?

Posted: 28 Feb 2023, 23:54
by MickeMM
Looks like this work.

Code: Select all

/bin/bash /filebot-portable/ -script fn:amc [b]--filter 'f.languages && !(lang =~ /eng|swe/)'[/b] --output "$CONFIG_OUTPUT" --action duplicate -non-strict --conflict auto --log-file /filebot-log/amc.log --def clean=y --def excludeList="/filebot-log/.excludes" ut_dir="$ARG_PATH" ut_kind="multi" ut_title="$ARG_NAME" ut_label="$ARG_LABEL" --def ignore="fylla_disken|uppackat" --def movieFormat=""$CONFIG_OUTPUT"{any{/Animation/ in genres ? 'omkodat/animerat/Movies/"$(date "+%Y")"/"$(date "+%W")"' : genres =~ /Documentary/? 'dokumentar/radera' : 'omkodat/film/Movies/"$(date "+%Y")"/"$(date "+%W")"'}{'dokumentar/radera'}}/{plex.tail}" seriesFormat=""$CONFIG_OUTPUT"serie/{plex}"
I diden't get the groovy to work.

Re: Use filebot to share movie base on language?

Posted: 01 Mar 2023, 07:43
by rednoah
--def movie=eng,swe means nothing. What are you trying to express? --def movie is not an option, so adding it does nothing.

--filter does not do what you think it does:

:!: --filter 'f.languages && !(lang =~ /eng|swe/)' means nothing and probably just fails, thus excludes all movie / episode matches, thus forces the amc script to never match anything.

The solution in my previous post seems to not have made it into your latest filebot command example:

:arrow: Please integrate it into your command, and run tests. Then modify it to your needs as necessary, and run tests.

:arrow: If you encounter any problems, just paste the command and console output and tell us where it's not doing what you want it to do.


Don't worry about things if you can't run tests at the moment. Nobody can write perfectly working code for a not-previously-solved problems without doing many trial & error tests along the way. ;)