[DSM6] Bad License Key: Access Denied: /var/packages/filebot/target/data/.license

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[DSM6] Bad License Key: Access Denied: /var/packages/filebot/target/data/.license

Post by rednoah »


I rebooted my system and now it tells me that my license is bad, what am I doing wrong?
:?: What does the error message say?

Console Output: Select all

Write [FileBot License PX12345678 (Valid-Until: 2071-07-23)] to [/var/packages/filebot/target/data/.license]
Bad License Key: Access Denied: /var/packages/filebot/target/data/.license (rw-r--r-- 1024:101 .license)


[Process error]

🔺 Exit Code: 2

The error message tells us that you're using FileBot Node on a Synology NAS / DSM 6 and permissions are screwed up which doesn't allow the FileBot Node user to modify the license file, i.e. the error message says that you cannot install a new license file but it does not tell us what's wrong with your existing one.

:?: What's wrong with your currently existing license? What does the error message say when you do a normal rename operation and it doesn't work? (as opposed to installing a new / different license file)

** If you're familiar with SSH then you can do cat /var/packages/filebot/target/data/.license to check your current license file.

:arrow: According to the error message, you need to login via SSH and run filebot --license as User #1024 (presumably your default admin user) or do rm -v /var/packages/filebot/target/data/.license with a user that has permissions to delete that file:

Shell: Select all

rm -v /var/packages/filebot/target/data/.license

:arrow: Alternatively, you can also just uninstall the FileBot package (not FileBot Node package) to delete the entire /var/packages/filebot folder and then start fresh with default permissions.
:idea: Please read the FAQ and How to Request Help.
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