Which specific series / episode are you working with?

Note that
t refers to the
episode title according to the database and
not the file name:
Console Output: Select all
$ filebot -list --db TheTVDB --q "Stargate SG-1"
Stargate SG-1 - 1x01 - Children of the Gods (1)
Stargate SG-1 - 1x02 - Children of the Gods (2)
$ filebot -list --db TheTVDB --q "Stargate SG-1" --format '{ ~plex % { ", Part " + t.match(/[(]([0-9]+)[)]/) } }'
Stargate SG-1/Season 01/Stargate SG-1 - S01E01 - Children of the Gods, Part 1
Stargate SG-1/Season 01/Stargate SG-1 - S01E02 - Children of the Gods, Part 2

This topic is primarily about the
{plex} format but your question is notably unrelated to that. You probably meant to ask a generic
"how do I do this" custom format question. Here's a snippet to get you started:
Console Output: Select all
$ filebot -list --db TheTVDB --q "Stargate SG-1" --format '{ n.space(/./) }.{ s00e00 }.{ t.replacePart(/.Part.$1/).space(/./) }'