Can't move files to any drive all of a sudden....

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Joined: 30 Mar 2016, 11:14

Can't move files to any drive all of a sudden....

Post by ChefGregS »

Hey Rednoah,

I am adding a lot of new files to my system. Mostly 4K versions of my movies. I have done about 130 so far today and with 40 left this error happened:
MOVE: S:\Transformers (2007) 4K\Transformers.2007 4K.mkv -> Y:\Movies 4K II\Transformers (2007)\Transformers [2007, PG-13, 143 Min] [Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel] [Adventure, Science Fiction, Action] [2160p, AAC@6ch].mkv: A device which does not exist was specified
The drive is there and still has several TB left of space. I have checked the drive and there is no issue with it. I have, as stated, just today added about 130 4K movies to that location and another drive. Both are now giving this error as are a couple drives for TV shows that I tried to rename into them. And again, it was working fine until all of a sudden it wasn't. I restarted the app and same issue.

Thanks if you have any help at all...

Posts: 102
Joined: 30 Mar 2016, 11:14

Re: Can't move files to any drive all of a sudden....

Post by ChefGregS »

Well, I found my own answer but I figured I'd reply and share it for others.

The drives involved all happen to be USB external drives. That was clue 1. While I could open them, and look through folders and such, I could NOT open anything in those drives. A link in there would open if it pointed to a non usb drive. This threw me for a bit but then I caught on. When I tried to run a scan on them I got an error. I opened up Disk Management and had it RESCAN disks. This is what showed me the issues. Simple fix was to unplug the USB drives and plug them back in. I have them in a hub as I have so many of them and I think the hub is the issue. While they are back on and working fine now I think I'll buy a new hub to at least rule that out as the issue. I hope. :)

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