Are you testing with TheTVDB or TMDB now?
{ info.certifications } to check country codes for your selected database. TVDB notably does not use standard country codes. The US snippet above is only tested for TMDB.
Binding "media": Failed to read media info: Binding "file": undefined means that you are testing a format that requires a file but you haven't yet setup a sample file for testing. If you test a format uses
MediaInfo Bindings then you need a sample file for testing, otherwise bindings like
{minutes} have nothing to work with.
This is unrelated to the topic at hand.
If you're using
TheTVDB then you need to adjust the format according to country codes uses by
** Chainsaw Man {tvdb-397934} yields TV-MA in this case
FileBot r10159 makes changes to
{certification} to prefer the content rating from (1) the preferred locale or (2) USA locale by default or (3) any origin country locale as a last resort.