Seems simple, need help

All about user-defined episode / movie / file name format expressions
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Seems simple, need help

Post by Hoosier205 »

This seems very simple, but I don’t know how to do it.

I want to modify this:

Code: Select all

{ plex % {" {tmdb-$tmdbid}"} % {" {imdb-$imdbid}"} % {"{edition-$edition}"} % {" [$vs-$vf]"} % {" [$s3d]"} % {" [$hdr]"} % {" [$ac $channels]" } % {" [$vc]"} % {" -$group"} }
…to also include the {imdb-$imdbid} in the folder name.

Similarly, for shows/episodes, I essentially want the same…but with show and season folders…and for the {imdb-$imdbid} to be in the show folder name. I don’t need {edition-$edition}, but I would like all of the audio/video info in the file name.

How would I do this? I hope this makes sense…
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Re: Seems simple, need help

Post by rednoah »

e.g. {plex} operators

Format: Select all

{ plex ** {" {tmdb-$tmdbid}"} ** {" {imdb-$imdbid}"} % {" [$vs-$vf]"} % {" [$s3d]"} % {" [$hdr]"} % {" [$ac $channels]" } % {" [$vc]"} % {" -$group"} }
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