Add App Repository
App Center ► Settings ► App Repository ► Add ► Name: FileBot and URL: https://get.filebot.net/qnap/index.xml ► AddCode: Select all

This package will install the filebot command-line tools. You will be able to run filebot commands from the shell via SSH.
FileBot Node
This package will install and run the FileBot Node web application. You will be able to execute, schedule and monitor filebot commands with a simple QNAP QTS UI.

- Disable your Ad Blocker for QNAP QTS and FileBot Node.
- FileBot requires java. The Java Installer package will help you install the latest OpenJDK for your platform.
- FileBot Node requires node. You will need to install the latest Node.js package. Alternatively, you can also install the Media Streaming Add-on which happens to include a viable node executable.
- Please read How to use FileBot Node to learn how FileBot Node and the filebot command-line tools are meant to be used.
- Running commands from the login shell is not the same as using cron because they'll not initialize with ~/.profile so keep in mind that $PATH will be different.
- filebot must not be run as root and it is recommended that you always run filebot as admin