Filebot Worked But Now Does Not Move File

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Filebot Worked But Now Does Not Move File

Post by TheHulk »

I am extremely new to this and have a couple of questions.
Here's some background,
After many hours of trying to get the code right so that filebot will run from uTorrent and move and rename my video files, I finally got it to work last night. It seemed to be working perfectly.
Then this morning I wanted to use a script in "Run this program when a torrent changes state" in uTorrent to automatically remove the torrent when finished seeding. I found the script on this forum and it seemed to work (only it deletes torrent AND data, so I was left without the file). Though, this time Filebot didn't rename and move video file like it was doing last night. I then decided to remove the torrent auto deletion script, so that at least Filebot would work. When I did so, Filebot still didn't work. Any solutions?

Here is Groovy Pad sysinfo:

Code: Select all

FileBot 4.5.6 (r2818)
JNA Native: 4.0.0
MediaInfo: MediaInfoLib - v0.7.69
7-Zip-JBinding: OK
chromaprint-tools: fpcalc version 1.1.0 (C:\Program Files\FileBot\fpcalc.exe)
Extended Attributes: OK
Groovy Engine: 2.3.9
JRE: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.8.0_40
JVM: 64-bit Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
CPU/MEM: 8 Core / 3 GB Max Memory / 60 MB Used Memory
OS: Windows 8.1 (amd64)
Here is what I put in "Run this program when torrent finishes:" in uTorrent,

Code: Select all

filebot -script fn:amc --output "F:" --def "seriesFormat=F:/TV Shows/{n}/{'Season '+s}/{n} - {s00xe00} - {t}" "movieFormat=F:/Movies/{n} ({y})/{n} ({y})" --log-file amc.log --action move --conflict override -non-strict --def clean=y --def excludeList=amc.txt "ut_label=%L" "ut_state=%S" "ut_title=%N" "ut_kind=%K" "ut_file=%F" "ut_dir=%D" plex=localhost:32400
Here is what I put in "Run this program when a torrent changes state" to remove torrent after seeding (but then removed it, because it deleted the file and filebot didn't work),

Code: Select all

C:/Users/Mike/Desktop/Downloader/deletetorrent.vbs "%S" "%I"
This is the script for the auto-delete torrent,

Code: Select all

' If no arguments are made then the script wont run
If WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 Then 'If no Arguments >
   msgbox "Missing Parameters"
   ' Variables required for filebot and other stuff
   Dim uState, uHash, WebUser, WebPass, WebHost, WebPort, WebAct 'Delete uLabel, if you don't want to filter by label
   uState = WScript.Arguments(0) ' required to determine torrent state
   uHash =  WScript.Arguments(1) ' required to find torrent

   WebUser      = "user"
   WebPass      = "pass"
   WebHost      = "localhost"   ' WebUI URL localhost|, local connection is recommended
   WebPort      = "PORT" 'uTorrent listening port found in Preferences - > Connection
   WebAct      = "?action=removedata" 'Tells utorrent to deleted selected torrent

   Sub Automate()

      If Not uState = 11 Then Exit Sub 'Exit if torrent not Finnished

      uToken = Webui("token.html") 'Authentication
      call Webui(WebAct &"&token="& uToken &"&hash="& uHash) ' Access WebUI, Action: Delete Torrent & Data
   End Sub
   ' This will access the WebUI
   ' by first getting the token that is required
   ' and then taking  the requested action.
   Public Function Webui(WebRequest)
      SET xmlhttp = createobject("msxml2.xmlhttp.3.0")
    "get", "http://"& WebUser &":"& WebPass &"@"& WebHost &":"& WebPort &"/gui/"& WebRequest, False

   If WebRequest = "token.html" Then
         Webui = Replace(Replace(xmlhttp.responseText, "<html><div id='token' style='display:none;'>", ""), "</div></html>", "")
      End If
   End Function
   Function IsInArray(strIn, arrCheck)
      Dim bFlag : bFlag = False
      If IsArray(arrCheck) AND Not IsNull(strIn) Then
         Dim i
         For i = 0 to UBound(arrCheck)
            If LCase(arrcheck(i)) = LCase(strIn) Then
               bFlag = True
               Exit For
            End If
      End If
      IsInArray = bFlag
   End Function
End If
Again, my main priority is getting filebot to work again. Once I get that working, I would also like to get the auto-delete torrent in uTorrent script to just remove the torrent and not the data
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Re: Filebot Worked But Now Does Not Move File

Post by rednoah »

:arrow: Please read the manual for the amc script • Automated Media Center • first.

Especially the Troubleshooting which thoroughly which thoroughly explains how to run things in cmd so you can see the output. At the very least you could have checked your log.
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Re: Filebot Worked But Now Does Not Move File

Post by TheHulk »

Sorry for not mentioning that
1. I have read the Automated Media Center manual over and over, and refer to it often.
2. I checked my log in uTorrent and everything LOOKS to be functioning like it did when Filebot was working and renaming, moving, and deleting leftover files.
3. I have ran the code in cmd, referring to the manual and youtube video. When I would run it in cmd yesterday, I could see the output and it seemed to be working fine, but now when I run it in cmd nothing happens. I might be typing something wrong now so I'll include a screenshot as well as my log from uTorrent:

Code: Select all

log: [2015-04-11 22:24:09]  Executing: filebot -script fn:amc --output "F:" --def "seriesFormat=F:/TV Shows/{n}/{'Season '+s}/{n} - {s00xe00} - {t}" "movieFormat=F:/Movies/{n} ({y})/{n} ({y})" --log-file amc.log --action move --conflict override -non-strict --def clean=y --def excludeList=amc.txt "ut_label=" "ut_state=20" "ut_title=The Corruptor (1999)" "ut_kind=multi" "ut_file=The.Corruptor.1999.720p.BluRay.x264.YIFY.mp4" "ut_dir=C:\Users\Mike\Desktop\Movies\Movies\The Corruptor (1999)" plex=localhost:32400
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Re: Filebot Worked But Now Does Not Move File

Post by rednoah »

You're clearly doing something wrong. First of all why call? Does that do or break anything? I've never used the call command.

Whatever the "filebot" command is executing, it's definitely not %ProgramFiles%/FileBot/filebot.exe ...

Assuming your "filebot" somehow refers to FileBot.exe from the portable package (meaning your PATH is messed up) which is a GUI executable and thus won't have console output, you might still get some logs, in the log file, which you say is generated but still fail to post...
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Re: Filebot Worked But Now Does Not Move File

Post by TheHulk »

As I said, I am new to this and don't have any experience with coding, cmd line, or anything before doing this. I apologize for being so clueless and probably giving you a headache. All that I know is what I have read from this site and looking around on Google.
I was following the Automated Media Center youtube video when entering call. That appeared to be what was put in cmd, so i just followed suit.
I thought the log was what was in the logger tab in uTorrent (that shows that I have no idea obviously). I have searched this forum to try and figure out what log it is you are talking about, but no luck on how to generate the log file.
How do I fix the PATH issue?
When I enter filebot in cmd, it opens up the GUI like you said. When I specify the path, ex. "C:/Program Files/FileBot/filebot.exe" nothing happens.
I have spent quite a while on this and I plan on donating to this site and program because it will make life much easier.
Just let me know if you need any additional info.
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Re: Filebot Worked But Now Does Not Move File

Post by rednoah »

I'd start by covering the basics:

Code: Select all

"C:/Program Files/FileBot/filebot.exe" -version

Code: Select all

"C:/Program Files/FileBot/filebot.exe" -script fn:sysinfo

Code: Select all

"C:/Program Files/FileBot/filebot.exe" -script fn:amc --action test /path/to/a/file

Things like filebot -version can't not work, unless something is generally screwed up in which case it's not a filebot specific issue and Google will help.
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Re: Filebot Worked But Now Does Not Move File

Post by TheHulk »

None of that worked in cmd so I uninstalled and re-installed FileBot, and voila! It all works now. I appreciate your time and patience. Thank you!
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