How to have matching ignore special / unused characters

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How to have matching ignore special / unused characters

Post by Coslwodlesworth »

I have filebot run from time to time and it requires intervention for a few different special characters such as : and ?

How could I get it so that Filebot doesn't see these as rename requests. For example changing a show from /filebot/season1/the show? and it being named /filebot/season1/the show so it shows up as a rename requirement.
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Re: How to have matching ignore special / unused characters

Post by rednoah »

The target file path is entirely up to your custom format, so you can take care of : and ? at format time, and FileBot only suggests fixing things for you at a later point in time if your custom format has not taken care of things already:
:arrow: Format Expressions
:arrow: Replace : colon with - dash

:idea: The {plex} format does remove : and ? by default, among other things. So if you're new, then I recommend just following the How do I organize files for Plex? instructions.

:idea: Note that formatting is unrelated to matching. You'll want to move / rename / organize files into a new file structure at once as shown in the Getting Started video tutorials, i.e. cleanly separate badly named input files and well named target files into separate folders, and then only ever process badly named files from the input folder which only ever contains badly named files.

:idea: If you actually mean to re-process previously processed files, then please read Re-organize previously organized files using local xattr metadata.
:idea: Please read the FAQ and How to Request Help.
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