Useful Links and Tutorials

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Useful Links and Tutorials

Post by rednoah »

Welcome to the FileBot 'Useful Links and Tutorials' Directory!

Here's a couple of links that will help you get started if you're new to things like using the terminal, environment variables, shell scripts, Groovy scripting and so on. If you find any useful links or tutorials feel free to share them here as well. Always remember that Google is your friend.

Shell Basics:

Here's a couple of links that will help you with the basics when new to using the Terminal, like adding things to the PATH, redirecting IO to file, etc

Cmdline and Argument Passing

An Introduction to Linux I/O Redirection ... t-to-file/

Regular Expressions Quick Start

The definite Reference to Format Expression and FileBot Scripting Extensions:

Format/Filter Bindings: Format/Filter Expression Extensions: FileBot Script Extensions:
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