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Post by DarfNader »

I am using Filebot on a fresh installation of MacOS and wanted to renamed some files using the "Rename" mode. The first thing I did after loading some files to rename was to set up the formatting and target directory location which I initially couldn't for the life of me remember. (I only figured it out when I looked at one of my old youtube screencaps which reminded that it's under "Edit Format" which is buried at the bottom of the menu shown when you click "Fetch Data". I clearly need to take some notes for very basics!) Anyway, I then used Fetch Data on TVDB which succesfully matched the correct episode names to the source files so I was all set to go. The correct directories were in "New Names" with their names using the correct episode names. There was one big problem though... even though the extensions were being recognized in the "Original Files" pane as each file had their correct extension in the yellow bubbles as usual. However, all of the files to be renamed said "MISSING EXTENSION" in the yellow bubble on the "New Names" side! I have never seen this before and since the original files were recognized I have no idea why the target files would not get a file extension. I went ahead an I had it perform the "Rename" anyway and sure enough while the files went to the correct location as I specified, of course they were copied with no file extension and I had to use the file size to correlate the extensions of the original files as there were multiple files for each episode. I had to do this in multiple passes since there were more than one file per episode, so I received the exception error about a file naming conflict each time as the new files were seen as conflicting since they had no extension and they'd all be seen as being renamed with same name and therefore fail after the first rename for that episode was completed. The only way to make it work was to manually add the extension after each pass matching by file size and retry until they were all done- very tedious.

Do you know why this would happen? I know... you only take screen shots... but I didn't make any and now it's done so I can't recreate it. I spent some time making this super clear so I hope my description has enough info so a screenshot is just redundant anyway.

Thanks in advance.
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Post by rednoah »

You did select "Override Extension" in the Rename Options. Best to just revert using the history and then process the files again after selecting "Preserve Extension" in the Rename Options.

This option is always disabled on start up. So you can just restart FileBot, or select "Preserve Extension", to process files a usual.
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Post by DarfNader »

I was able to just add the extension manually. It was just a few files. Since it was not working I stopped and asked you.

Thanks for the explanation for what "Override" meant in the Rename Options. I was totally at a loss for what that meant, but what you're saying makes sense. I just had no idea it had anything to do with file extensions as there is nothing to indicate that it does in the UI.

Glad to know it was just that one time and I appreciate the help, as always.

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Post by rednoah »

If you look closely, the left and right hand side will change depending on the extension mode. For example, Original Files shows only the filename which is being changed. However, if Override Extension is selected, the extension will also be displayed and highlighted, indicating that this will be changed as well.
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