Removing metadata autmatically.

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Removing metadata autmatically.

Post by mrg9999 »

Often I get files that when I view them there is redundant information on the screen.
After renaming with FB I generally use FFmpeg to remove the metadata with a command like

- script snippet

Code: Select all

md cleaned
for %%x in (*.mkv,*.mp4,*.avi) do ffmpeg -i "%%x" -map_metadata -1 -acodec copy -vcodec copy  "cleaned\%%x" 

Can I achieve this automatically in FB without using ffmpeg?
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Re: Removing metadata autmatically.

Post by rednoah »

No, FileBot does not modify files.

:?: Why are removing embedded media titles? What software are you using? If you are using Plex, then you can just Disable Local Media Assets to make Plex not display the embedded title. If you are using VLC, then you might find a setting for that too.

:arrow: FileBot can help you write new metadata via 3rd party tools such as mkvpropedit:
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Re: Removing metadata autmatically.

Post by mrg9999 »

>:?: Why are removing embedded media titles? What software are you using? If you are using Plex, then you can just Disable Local Media Assets to make Plex not display the embedded title. If you are using VLC, then you might find a setting for that too.

I mostly play media via Kodi/Elec or VLC or whatever media player is available.

I get my content from a variety of places, mostly usenet using SIckchill / Sabnzb that usually do a good job of sanitising filenames. Sometimes the tool can only obtain an episode by searching the darker bits of the internet and then often the file has passed through multiple sites and the meta-data in the file has become mangled or links to porn sites added. After I've renamed the file into my prefered format Name - Season - EpisodeNN - title format, I'd like the metadata to be cleaned to be the same as the renamed title and not "Name - Season - EpisodeNN - title - Pa55ed thru XXXHub. L77t Gr88t5"
so I run my ffmpeg command above to clean the metadata then I can use another tool to pull in the correct (curated) metadata from say thetvdb.
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Re: Removing metadata autmatically.

Post by rednoah »

That's reasonable. Stripping away metadata like "Pa55ed thru XXXHub. L77t Gr88t5" makes perfect sense.

:arrow: You can write new metadata via the tags script (make sure to read the docs thoroughly; make sure to run your own tests first) after you have processed the files with FileBot:

Code: Select all

filebot -script fn:tags /path/to/files
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