Docker - Filebot:watcher - Organize by TVDB/TMDB genres?

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Docker - Filebot:watcher - Organize by TVDB/TMDB genres?

Post by BairStrokes »

Hello, I've been using FileBot manually for the last 5 years and have loved it. I recently learned about dockers and am using it to create a new media setup. After noticing a FileBot container, I was wanting to utilize it for monitoring a folder and then copying and renaming files according to TVDB/TMDB.

However, I'm having trouble figuring out how to check if a show/movie has a particular genre and then directing it to a specific folder if it does.

I organize my Movies and TV Shows into 3 categories; Animation, Anime, Live-action. My tree looks like this (ignore the blurs)...
Basically, I would like FileBot to check if a series contains certain TVDB genre(s) and then output to a specific folder depending on true/false. For TMDB movies, if the movie contains a particular keyword it will be outputted to a specific folder.
TMDB, you'll notice that it contains the keywords [animation, anime]. Therefore it should be moved to the 'Movies/Anime' folder. If it only had the 'animation' keyword, then it belongs in the 'Movies/Animated' folder. Otherwise, it should default to the 'Movies/Live-Action' folder.

TVDB has genre tags instead of keywords like TMDB, so I'd do essentially the same thing.

I know I'll have to use the --filters option to make this work, I just can't seem to find the documentation on it that I need. I'm also wondering if my input folder will work, because it contains several sub-folders, one for each tracker I'm downloading from.

Here's what I have so far in my docker-compose. I haven't actually tested anything yet because I know my --filter options won't work (I just made them up as placeholders/examples).Any tips on how to get this working with a single container? If I have to call external scripts that's fine, but I'm wondering if amc can handle it stand-alone.
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Re: Docker - Filebot:watcher - Organize by TVDB/TMDB genres?

Post by rednoah »

The --filter option does not do what you think it does:

The --format option is what you're looking for since your custom format generates the destination path:


Code: Select all


You can write your own conditions to generate arbitrary file paths based on the available bindings:

:idea: Make sure to use the GUI for prototyping your custom format before pasting it into your shell script.
:idea: Please read the FAQ and How to Request Help.
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