MAybe bug with name lookup in GUI

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MAybe bug with name lookup in GUI

Post by sanjonny »

I have noticed in the more recent versions, I think since 4.0 that often times series that have 2 word or more names in the first pass thru the gui will default to the wrong series and sometimes even the suggestions will not show up for the series, but when I hit ignore, it will sometimes find the right series and episode and name properly and other times just not get the name.

A specific example is a tivo file converted to mpg named Myth Hunters - whatever the episode is

Filebot when going thru the tvdb always matches it as myth - S00E01 when doing the right click thing.
This happens whether I have just the one episode in the GUI by itself or that episode mixed with other series, say for example the list below
Myth Hunters - The Nazi Hunt for Atlantis
Doctor Who - Voyage of the Damned- 400
Enlisted - Prank Wars-110

The extra numbers at the end are naming as a result from the episode lookup that happens inside the tivo guide. In Doctor Who's case the number is wrong but that happens with tivo. Myth hunters does not have an episode number because the tivo could not find a good guess so it leaves it blank.

Which comes out after right clicking as
Myth - S00E01 (in red)
Doctor Who - S00E07 - Voyage of the Damned
Enlisted - S01E10 - Prank Wars

Anyway, I put those files into the gui and right click on the tvdb, it asks me which Dr who season version I want (2005) and then correctly names Dr. Who and enlisted, but always names myth hunters to myth - S00E01.

So in that case, I delete Myth hunters from the GUI, hit rename to fix the 2 files that are correct, Dr. Who and Enlisted. Then put in Myth Hunters by itself, hit shift right click and tvdb and type myth hunters and it find the right episode
Myth Hunters - S02E10 - The Nazi Hunt for Atlantis

This is not the only show this happens with but a good example of errors I have been running into recently.

Since I am getting these all out and stuff is popping from my memory, 2 other things. Is there a way to have it default to match the priority of name first episode second? I often have things again because the tivo episodes are wrong that will match the priority based on the episode number that is wrong even though the episode name is correct. In those cases I have to rename the file without the (wrong) episode number and it looks it up fine.

For my purposes it would be better to have it give priority to the matching name vs the episode number. Also it does not always note properly when there is a change. It would be nice that if it changes the episode number from the input that you can visually see that. I believe I have asked the priority question before, just wondering if anything might now be able to change that.

I can also easily understand that in some downloaded files, the name is completely wrong but the episode number is correct so in those cases you would want the priority to be the number. I have run into that myself so know that being able to change the priority would be great in the different circumstances.

One last thought/question since Dr Who was there. Is there any way in the GUI to set a preference for priority for certain series names. In my case, Dr. Who is on BBC america and I have been recording all the episodes. These are all the 2005 version. Every time I rename an episode or series of episodes of dr who, I get he pop up

Doctor Who
Doctor Who (2005)
Doctor Who (2009) (which is not even correct, its actually minisodes but that is not filebots issue)
Doctor Who confidential and more.

It would be nice if for certain series we could set a preset similar to the names so that it always defaults to Doctor Who (2005) in my case so I didn't have to select it every time.

That may be possible now in the GUI, but I think only in the CLI, just wondering if maybe I missed something and/or adding a suggestion.

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Re: MAybe bug with name lookup in GUI

Post by rednoah »

The original names are just too badly named and somewhat misleading.

For all the customizations the GUI doesn't allow you to do any of that, where as the CLI gives all control to you. There's currently no middle ground, but i'll take that into considering for the eventual UI rewrite.
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Re: MAybe bug with name lookup in GUI

Post by sanjonny »

Is it a format thing? I am not quite understanding why it would default to myth instead of taking myth hunters and looking for that. I am guessing maybe it chooses based on amount or something too? So myth has way more activity than myth hunters or is much older in the TVDB? Can I change the input format for those files in my naming scheme to make it more digestable to filebot to be able to pickup the series name? I again am guessing that it generally should take the words up to the divider character, be it space, dash, period or whatever, and I also know that it looks at what folder they are in, but in my case, my workflow has everything come out to a folder named check or rename and then is renamed in the show - episode format above so the folder should not really matter. Mostly curious as to how it is working behind the scenes to see if I can change something with my tivo output to make them talk to one another better and generally just like understanding how things work.
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Re: MAybe bug with name lookup in GUI

Post by sanjonny »

additional along the same lines thought.
Nazi: Evolution of Evil - episode

is renamed by tivo to Nazi Evolution of Evil - Episode

In the GUI if I try the search it pops up the selection box with lots of things that are evolution or revolution but not evolution of evil. It doesn't have anything related to nazis evolution either. If I type in Nazis, it then pops up in the selection box with Nazis: Evolution of Evil (after ignoring the first group of selections) or if I type Evolution of Evil into the box, it automatically finds the correct name. It is not inuitive to me that it pops up all the other things it pops up for evolution but not the one including the Nazis: one in the first go around. Again sure it is an inner workings thing but it would seem to me that in that initial search it should pull everything with the evolution as a part or something.
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Re: MAybe bug with name lookup in GUI

Post by rednoah »

There is a series called "Myth", and series "Myth" match query "Myth" better than series "Myth Hunters".

The format can only define the output, it cannot effect how input is interpreted.

You can help auto-detection by naming "Myth Hunters" as "Myth Hunters" and not "Myth" as well as not adding misleading SxE numbers to the files.

The series is called "Nazis: Evolution of Evil" and a query for that will yield results.
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Re: MAybe bug with name lookup in GUI

Post by sanjonny »

The format can only define the output, it cannot effect how input is interpreted
I am asking is there a better format I can feed the input to get better output.
You can help auto-detection by naming "Myth Hunters" as "Myth Hunters" and not "Myth" as well as not adding misleading SxE numbers to the files.
I am not understanding. The input file is

Myth Hunters - The Nazi Hunt for Atlantis

which is why I am not understanding why it tries for myth and ignores myth hunters....

and for nazis: evolution of evil, I was mostly just showing what the program spit out on first pass, on that one I can understand that the ":" would be a problem, but it doesn't make sense that it then evolution is what comes up (at least in how I think the program is doing the input.
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Re: MAybe bug with name lookup in GUI

Post by rednoah »

"Myth Hunters - The Nazi Hunt for Atlantis" should work of course. Maybe that episode wasn't in the database yet at time of processing. Wouldn't normally happen.

"evolution" is a sub string match. And in absence of any better options it'll pick one. In -non-strict it'll always pick one and if the correct is missing for some reason it'll pic the "next best"
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Re: MAybe bug with name lookup in GUI

Post by sanjonny »

along those lines, found something interesting. I have one computer running the latest version and one running the older version 4.0

For example...
Sullivan and Son - The Big O-305
Sullivan and Son - Everyone Loved Frank-303

One the latest version it seems the priority in naming is give to the number at the end (which in this case is wrong due to improper tivo naming) and these are renamed to
Sullivan & Son - S03E05 - (i guess no episode name in database)
Sullivan & Son - S03E03 - About a Boy, His Mother and the Man They're dating

The prior version correctly uses the episode name and renames to
Sullivan and Son - S03E01 - The Big O
Sullivan and Son - S03E02 - Everyone Loved Frank

which is most desired by me since even downloaded torrents often have incorrect episode numbers. I have suggested before it might be nice during different situations to be able to set which one users want to have priority as in different situations, it makes a lot of sense to be able to change the priority.

Also I am finding that the newest algorithm often has problems with multiple different episodes and looking up the proper episodes in gui, which the prior version gets them correct. Meaning when I have say 5 different series in the gui, the older version is much more likely to correctly name them than the newest version (without or with episode numbers included)

The older version I am referring to is version 4.0 r2052.
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Re: MAybe bug with name lookup in GUI

Post by rednoah »

Send me all the filenames, and screenshots, please. ;)


Tried with 4.0 and it doesn't work, at least not consistently:

With 4.0 can you tell me why it works for the second? I know, but it's complicated. :P

But using 4.1 you can clearly see why it doesn't work. So you can go and have a script strip the misleading numbers from the files before you process them with filebot. It'll work at least as good as 4.0 then.
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Re: MAybe bug with name lookup in GUI

Post by sanjonny »

I am traveling for a few days but there are many more examples that I run into, even sometimes when the episode numbers are right. I can easily strip out the episode names, but the gripe is that they are right about 3/4 of the time so often its good to keep them, except when running into these types of things. I know I tried more than I talked about with sullivan and son and it worked consistently on my machine BUT I also tried moving around where the episode numbers that were wrong were and that had some interesting results too.

Being able to switch the priority in naming would be good as like I said, sometimes you get a torrent that is completely wrong with episode numbers and other times you get one that is completely wrong with descriptions but the episode numbers are correct.
Can't we just have it work perfectly all the time without all this annoyances :twisted:

I am just joking around. I understand how hard it is to try and deal with all the screwbally things that come up with names. i have some more interesting 4.1 stuff but not till I get home since i have no files I can mess around with while traveling.

Thanks for all your help.
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Re: MAybe bug with name lookup in GUI

Post by rednoah »

The problem is that that numbers / titles do conflict. So "Everyone Loved Frank-303" looks like 3x03 on first sight, to any human. Only by checking the episode list and see "Everybody Loves Frank" I can guess that this the same meaning, this case basically requires one to comprehend English meaning of the title to find the right match of similar meaning.

(End even if FileBot could do that it would never work perfectly all the time, since there is no correct solution space defined for the problem as whole in the first place)

4.1 makes it simple, numbers have priority, and a title match cannot override a number match. So you never need to strip episode titles because numbers take priority anyway. But if numbers are misleading you can remove them, so it'll default to title similarity.
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Re: MAybe bug with name lookup in GUI

Post by sanjonny »

United Stuff of America - The Mobs secret stash-103

Here is something I am not really understanding. I am remoting into my home machine as I have some free time and testing stuff out. In 4.1 the above will not work by itself in the GUI.
It pops up the enter series name box and fills it in as "United Stuff of America The mobs secret stash"
When I edit that to United Stuff of America, it finds the episode fine

A different file
Mafias Greatest Hits - The Killing Machine - 25634560 doesn't come up the same. I would think if the above example, it would come up as "Mafias Greatest Hits The Killing Machine" but instead the series box pops up and just has the two folder names in it "anew/check" .
If I enter the series as "mafias greatest hits" it then matches it as S01E10 - Joseph Valachi
So then I try stripping the wrong episode number off feeding
Mafias Greatest Hits - The Killing Machine and it still brings up the series box as "anew/check" which is the folder and subfolders that the files are in
Filling in the box as "Mafias greatest hits" I again get the episode as S01E10 Joseph Valachi

Now this is a special case (I didn't know it before starting to write it up, but the actual episode is S01E11 Roy Demeo) because for some reason the TVDB has two series entries for Mafias Greatest Hits and the Killing machine title given by tivo and direct tv full title should be the killing machine Roy Demeo, which might help, but I don't understand why it doesn't seem to try to get the series name first. The TVDB entry does not have the Killing machine text, just the Roy Demeo (I had to do a google seach to find what it actually was) so I completely understand that part, just not why it does not attempt "Mafias greatest hits" on its own and why it comes up as episode 10.

And then going back to the ever so loved Myth Hunters, as previously described, instead of searching for myth hunters, it does myth.

I guess I am trying to understand better how it detects the series name. I can change the format of my tivo output to some degree to try and help filebot along, but I am not understanding why in one case it shortens Myth Hunters - The Nazi Hunt for Atlantis to "myth" as the series name and a different series it instead uses the complete file name as the series name instead of reading the separator character or whatever.

I know it is not random and am wondering if a slight change to my format would affect things differently or a extra space needed or removed would help filebot get it right.

MY basic naming format is

Code: Select all

Series Name - Episode Name-Episode Number.mkv
If the number is not available or does not exist using myth hunters as an example the exact name is

Code: Select all

Myth Hunters - The Nazi Hunt for Atlantis-.mkv
If the episode number exists you get

Code: Select all

Almost Royal - Texas-103.mkv
Would it make any difference in series detection if I took out the spaces instead making it to

Code: Select all

Almost Royal-Texas-103.mkv
or does that matter at all.

It seems that episode detection is random, though I know it is not, the Almost Royal example above comes up with the search box "Almost Royal Texas" which when series is changed to Almost Royal then matches correctly.

But then take what seems complex to me

Code: Select all

Americas Test Kitchen From Cooks Illustrated - Spiced-Up Cuban Cuisine-1419
is correctly renamed on right click with no series search box to
"Americas Test Kitchen - S14E19 - Spiced-Up Cuban Cuisine"

Code: Select all

Martha Stewarts Cooking School - Salads-312
is correctly renamed to "Martha Stewarts Cooking School - S03E12 - Salads" again with just a right click.

I don't seem to see why some detect correctly and others do not, why some are shortened and others are elongated. I am sure its probably simple, but so far it is hard to understand why what I am inputting is "SEEMS" to be handled differently
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Re: MAybe bug with name lookup in GUI

Post by rednoah »

I don't really understand how specific inputs work out internally. Usually take a bit of debugging of various components to figure out what exactly something happens.

I'd recommend using the episode number to split name and title, ie {n} - {s}{e} - {t}

If something doesn't match, just check what's in the TheTVDB. There's usually some discrepancy between your files and what's in the database.
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Re: MAybe bug with name lookup in GUI

Post by sanjonny »

This series detection has now gotten worse with 4.2. I still have 4.0 running and it does a far superior job (now) with multiple different tv shows in the same renaming session.

In the GUI, it seems to take no relevance at all if there are separators/spaces and dashes. Going back to myth hunters which still makes no sense, the format I would think should be read as myth hunters (because thats where the dash is) instead of myth.

But I just did a lot of renaming with 4.2 and almost all of it was one by one due to errors in initial detection.

For example

Code: Select all

Married - Pilot - 101
Dominion - Something Borrowed - 105
Youre the Worst - Pilot - 101
Detected all as dominion files.
even after input for the married and youre the worst in the multi GUI popup boxes, it still detected all as dominion files
Did not matter if episode numbers were included or not

Delete the 2 new files, rename dominion then do them one by one
Married - Pilot pops up in the search box as "Married Pilot"
Youre the worst - Pilot pops up in the search box as "Youre the worst pilot"

so its no wonder its is getting those wrong

but then myth hunters - whatever episode, will automatically be matched to myth. I know I am harping on that one, but it is an easy example of what is going on with several files.

And yes the two examples here are the first episodes, but that just happens to be that I processed them last, it is happening with lots of shows in 4.2

It seems to make no sense to me as it almost appears random as the what will pop up in the search box which gives an indication of what it is looking for.

Another issue I do not understand that I was reading some info in the threads about is sorting.
I can have a list of files to be renamed sorted in the directory as let's say

Code: Select all

but when I paste those into filebot they come into the sort box as

Code: Select all

which I also do not understand.

One final problem is when you place multiple different items in the GUI for renaming, when it prompts for you to enter the name of the series if it cannot autodetect it, sometimes it tells you which file you are looking at and other times it just gives you the folder name that the files are in.

If I have say 10 tv shows in the file list to be renamed, it prompting me with a blank line does not tell me which file it is looking for. I have not debugged it enough to know when it happens and when it does not happen, but you are left guessing which file it is looking for the name for your input on. If it could tell you consistently, enter series name for myth hunters - pilot would be much better than enter series name for anew/check which is the folder name.
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Re: MAybe bug with name lookup in GUI

Post by rednoah »

Screenshots would be good.

EDIT1 => Drag and Drop Behavior on Windows

On Windows, when you drop files, the order of dropped files is the order in which the files have been selected. The element that is used to initiate the drag will always be the first element. That's standard Windows behavior. Though I could ignore that and enforce order on my side.

EDIT2 => FileBot 4.0 and 4.2 perform equally badly in your example
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Re: MAybe bug with name lookup in GUI

Post by rednoah »

FileBot does not "understand" order interpret the "dash" character in any special way. It does however assume same basic order, i.e. that series names is after the episode number and that episode number is before the title, which kills things in your example.

The amc scripts performs much better, in the sense that it at least doesn't get anything wrong:

Code: Select all

Group: [tvs:dominion, mov:null, anime:null] => [Dominion - Something Borrowed - 105.avi]
Group: [tvs:married pilot, mov:null, anime:null] => [Married - Pilot - 101.avi]
Group: [tvs:youre the worst pilot, mov:null, anime:null] => [Youre the Worst - Pilot - 101.avi]
Rename episodes using [TheTVDB]
Auto-detected query: [Dominion, Dominion Something Borrowed, Something Borrowed]
Fetching episode data for [Dominion]
Fetching episode data for [Dominion Tank Police]
Fetching episode data for [Something Borrowed, Something New]
[TEST] Rename [D:\workspace\testdata\AMC-TEST\Dominion - Something Borrowed - 105.avi] to [D:\workspace\output\TV Shows\Dominion\Season 01\Dominion - S01E05 - Something Borrowed.avi]
Processed 1 files
Rename episodes using [TheTVDB]
Auto-detected query: [Married Pilot]
Failed to fetch episode data: [Married Pilot]
CmdlineException: Unable to match files to episode data
Rename episodes using [TheTVDB]
Auto-detected query: [Youre the Worst Pilot]
Failed to fetch episode data: [Youre the Worst Pilot]
CmdlineException: Unable to match files to episode data
There reason why Dominion works and the other two don't, is that Dominion has 8 ratings, while the other two have 0 ratings, which means they're not in my index. Long story short, FileBot knows there's a show called Dominion, but it doesn't know there is a show called Married, or Married Pilot, or Married Pilot 101, or whatever.

So if you want these shows to perform better, go on TheTVDB and give them 10+ rating, and then wait 2 weeks, and then it'll probably work better.

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Re: MAybe bug with name lookup in GUI

Post by sanjonny »

rednoah wrote:Screenshots would be good.

EDIT1 => Drag and Drop Behavior on Windows

On Windows, when you drop files, the order of dropped files is the order in which the files have been selected. The element that is used to initiate the drag will always be the first element. That's standard Windows behavior. Though I could ignore that and enforce order on my side.

EDIT2 => FileBot 4.0 and 4.2 perform equally badly in your example
Drag and drop, does that mean if i have selected 10 items and drag from item 3 that it will be the one that is on top?

I am assuming this means for the drag and drop part, yes you are correct, that behavior and most behavior does not change between the two versions, sorry, I was in a hurry and didn't call out that was not a change, its been that way for most of the issues, I just have not noted them.

As to performing equally badly...

Assuming I left dominion out of the gui box....

For these specific files, the behavior is different between 4.0 and 4.2
4.0 if I have both in the gui, it will rename them both to that name, so if it asks for input and I enter married, it names both the files married. If I type instead in youre the worst, it names them both youre the worst. you cannot tell which file it is asking about. generally it comes up in the box as enter series name and has the name of the folder instead

4.2 is better as it puts the name in the entry box (sometimes) as married pilot and when manually shortened to married, it then goes to the second where it is youre the worst pilot, which when shortened works properly for both, an improvement, but it still does not show the name of the file it is actually requesting and at times, the box comes up blank.

As for series order. All tivos use the some program guide info and it is right about a third of the time. Episodes numbers are right sometimes but episodes names are more right.

For the program in to work for what most tivo people need, we need the naming function to match the name which almost always exists and is correct over the episode number, which often does not exist and is not right.

That is why I suggested being able to change the priority as I am sure there are more people than me who need to correct wrong episode numbers, heck I find torrents all the time with wrong numbers but right names and some with wrong names and correct numbers, hence it would be good to be able to do both.

I was only using the examples as they were ones that I had on that computer, I can give some more examples going forward, but the whole reason that sets Filebot apart from the other renamers is the matching of the episode names is better than most of what is out there. Lots of renamers can get the episode numbers but as we all know, that is easier to match.

In general, I can leave all the episode numbers off everything i only put them at the end because they are easier to strip off when they are wrong, but still the problems referenced happen with episode numbers or not.

I don't know the code that you have going, but it seems to me that it should not treat these two things the same....
myth hunters - pilot matches to myth
married - pilot matches to married pilot
at least that is what pops in the search box.
I would think that it should search for either the full name or whatever instead of treating the 2 differently.

This has become more of a problem with more recent versions as I find I am having to do much more one by one correction in the gui as things move along.
Did the fuzzy logic in the past use separators and now it doesn't?

In the past, i might have say 10 episodes of shows that I put into the GUI and most of the time, it might ask for one or two names but then would rename them all correctly assuming I could find the correct name with the input box not always stating the name of the episode it was looking for.
Now it seems if I have 10, sometimes it will get 5 right and I have to do the other 5 manually one by one in the gui and sometimes it will be even worse and I have to do 7 manually out of the 10. Especially if there are say 2 episodes of the same series along with several episodes of different series, anything it cannot figure out, it goes to a name that it can, which I guess is the default behavior.

As for why the shows don't show up due to ratings, honestly, I have no understanding of why the ratings should even be included in the naming. I understand that people want the ratings, but that means that for every new show, it will not rename them correctly until they are rated? I do not see the value in that at all. Maybe I am misunderstanding that, but I would expect that it should find the show information whether they are rated or not.

I guess that would mean that any new shows would never be renamed correctly unless they had ratings? I don't see why the renaming should even be tied to ratings, that just seems like an extra metric people can add who are interested in it but should not hold up looking up the show properly.

I am not complaining, I know this is a difficult thing because of all the stuff that gets thrown at it, it just seems some of the changes are causing it to be less helpful instead of more, which I am sure is not what is intended.
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Re: MAybe bug with name lookup in GUI

Post by rednoah »

These things are hard to tell. FileBot doesn't look at separators, it also doesn't look at individual files, nor does it process files sequentially.

And you can't generalize things like "A - Pilot" works so "B - Pilot" works too. A might be in my index, while B is not. A might have a very high rating, while B is unreated / unkown. A might actually be called AC while there's actually another series called A, while B when actually called BC is not a problem if there is no show called B.

So as time progress things change. Ratings change. Shows get added. "Myth - Pilot" is fine as long as "Myth Hunters" is a reasonable match, but as soon as "Myth" gets added to the mix it'll naturally match to that instead. And since 8 out of 10 shows on TheTVDB having 0 ratings, we can exclude 80% of potential name clashes by ignoring unrated shows. So unrated shows work (if TheTVDB search works) but rated shows work better (since FileBot knows all rated shows and can instantly do all kinds of search before it even check TheTVDB).

In short, it's complicated, so complicated in fact that I generally have no idea what's going on and thus cannot tell you why a specific case doesn't work. When you give me examples I can debug the code, and see what's going on, and it's usually not something you or me could have guessed.

So that's why specific examples of cases that don't work and screenshots are more important than any attempt to explain and try to understand the underlying issue. ;)
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Re: MAybe bug with name lookup in GUI

Post by rednoah »

r2340 will show you which set of files is currently in focus.
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Re: MAybe bug with name lookup in GUI

Post by sanjonny »

I have tons of great screen shots but have no idea what site to use to post them. I spent about an hour showing some great examples that should help figure out what is going on. I will look for sites and post back later with explanations unless someone answers quickly best site for images
Should I do them as attachments? That would not let me explain them very well as they are in sequence
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Re: MAybe bug with name lookup in GUI

Post by sanjonny »

Okay, multiple matching..Image

Dropped these five filesImage

and that is the result, matches everything to this old house.

So delete the 4 and rename TOH, now try dropping the other 4Image
look what happens no idea which tv show it is referring to. On a whim I did mafias greatest hits and it did the same thing as TOH, it gives episodes for mafias greatest for all the shows.
Lost the image for that one

Next I want to show episode numbers do not affect the matching in this caseImage

Now one by one. New scandanavian does not show up in the box, we get the anew/check, but it does match when I type in new scandanavianImage

same goes for mafias greatestImage

which also matches correctly after typing it in.

Simply ming pulls up but does not match correctly, because the episode is only partially correct as seen by these 2 Note that it matched alone to series 801 and then I dragged in the episodes and it still matched to thatImage
I then pulled up the list of episodes and manually matched it to the correct episodeImage

Just so we see, united stuff is not detected either..Image

Double life is very interesting. When trying to query tvland, it does not pull up double life as one of the options in the drop down me its not there. There is an issue in that the series is actually called undercover double life, but that does not show up in the box either.Image

If you type double life in to the search box, you get this...Image

type in the full series name and it comes upImage

And YEAH, even the fuzzy matching works correctly.Image

Another mismatch of multiple series Image

Strip off Ask this old house and it still matches too manyImage

strip off americas test kitchen and we still are matching wrongImage

Strip of almost royal and we are back to it not detecting again.Image

but typing in secret slang works!!!!!Image


PHEW, that was a lot of work, but it shows how the multiples in the gui is having lots of problems. I cannot say which version it worked better in, but it has not been this bad until recently
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Re: MAybe bug with name lookup in GUI

Post by rednoah »

These are all quite difficult cases.

If you match multiple episodes of multiple shows at the same time. Then episodes that can't be matched to a series tend to be match with episode data of other shows that is available. It's all in the same pot. But it's not an issue for reasonably well-named files.

So if you have episodes that require manual input for search you can't do them all at once. All the shows where it can at least detect the series you can do at once.

Correct title matches are only guaranteed if the title actually matches, if it's just "the same" by meaning, not actual words and characters then things get fuzzy.

These problems can't be fixed, or actually have been fixed but require information from the database to match in order for it to work. But with these cases it's bad naming + rare show + naming discrepancies = bad luck.
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Re: MAybe bug with name lookup in GUI

Post by rednoah »

r2345 has specific logic for dealing with "name - title" pattern. But if it causes issues with the more common patterns I may remove it again in the future.
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