English language AND/OR foreign-language films

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English language AND/OR foreign-language films

Post by thecoalminer »

Hi all,

I realise this question has probably been covered in the forums but I'm really struggling with it. I've tried to piece together what I want from the expressions others have, but I get very confused about the initial parts (MovieFormat="movieFormat=anarky, that kind of stuff) and the changing to different hard drives.

What I'm looking for is a format expression that I can use to apply to multiple scenarios:

So let's say I have two movies:

The Dark Knight
Alle Anderen  (A German film known as Everyone Else in English)

What I'm looking for is a format expression that will recognise the differences between these and return:

The Dark Knight (2008)
Alle Anderen - Everyone Else (2009) (German)

(with these names also appearing in the folder)

'Everyone Else' is taken from the 'Also Known As' tab in the film's IMDB listing. And 'German' from the IMDB Language tab


The second part of this is fixing the subtitle files in the folder. I often end up with several subtitle files. Such as:


Obviously I want to keep the language definer at the end (ENG and ESP in the examples above) but change the rest of the name to mirror the .mkv file. How do I do this?

I've found this code in the forums:

Fetch subtitles for all files that have recently been created:
Code: Select all
filebot -script fn:suball /path/to/media -non-strict --def maxAgeDays=7

But that seems to be to fetch them if you don't have them, which I guess I'll also need for some.

So do I run the above code after I've renamed the files?

Please help!

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Re: English language AND/OR foreign-language films

Post by rednoah »

Played with it for 30 min and this is what I came up with

Code: Select all

{allOf{info.OriginalName}{n}.unique().join(' - ')} ({y})
See built-in example format:

Code: Select all

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Re: English language AND/OR foreign-language films

Post by thecoalminer »

Rednoah, thanks! I'm gonna try that.

But I'm sorry, for 2. I don't know what you mean by 'See built-in example format'. Do you mean I should run this:


once I've run the first code?

Sorry if I'm being dumb!

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Re: English language AND/OR foreign-language films

Post by rednoah »

If you add lang to your format subtitles will be renamed with lang, ie your movie/series format needs to account for the subtitle language if you want that as part of the path.
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