Need Help Installing FileBot Support Apps on Synology ATOM

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Need Help Installing FileBot Support Apps on Synology ATOM

Post by DarellCraighead »

I have a Synology DS 1215+ (Atom) DiskStation.

I am trying to get FileBot installed properly so I can eventually use the AMC script to cleanup and organize my media files.

So far, I have succeeded with:
Java 8
FileBot 4.5
ipkg gcc make optware-devel boost-dev boost-thread boost-system boost-date-time libcurl-dev libusb

All installed... I have read MANY posts and I seem to have a problem with MediaInfo, 7Zip, and FPCalc - either not installed or not properly configured... I would really appreciate any help.

Here is what I get from the SysInfo script:

Code: Select all

DiskStation> filebot -script fn:sysinfo
FileBot 4.5 (r2612)
JNA Native: 4.0.0
MediaInfo: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load library 'mediainfo': Native library (linux-x86/ not found in resource path ([file:/volume1/@appstore/filebot/FileBot.jar])
7-Zip-JBinding: net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.SevenZipNativeInitializationException: Failed to load 7z-JBinding: no 7-Zip-JBinding in java.library.path
chromaprint-tools: Cannot run program "fpcalc": error=2, No such file or directory
Extended Attributes: OK
Groovy Engine: 2.3.7
JRE: Java(TM) SE Embedded Runtime Environment 1.8.0_06 (headless)
JVM: 32-bit Java HotSpot(TM) Embedded Server VM
CPU/MEM: 4 Core / 668 MB Max Memory / 15 MB Used Memory
OS: Linux (i386)
uname: Linux DiskStation 3.2.40 #5004 SMP Sat Nov 29 08:39:33 CST 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Done ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
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Re: Need Help Installing FileBot Support Apps on Synology AT

Post by rednoah »

If you tried the i686 ipkg package?

If you're using the SPK method then you just need to download the generic x86 Linux libraries and set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and hope they work on your specific architecture.

Note that libmediainfo and lib7zip-jbinding are native libraries, not "apps". Only fpcalc is an "app" (though we call that a cmdline tool here) so for fpcalc you also just need to download the binaries and then link them to some **/bin so you can call it via "fpcalc" from cmdline, then it should work from filebot as well.

Native code is definitely ALOT more tricky than running Java code, if it doesn't happen to work out-of-the-box anyway.
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Re: Need Help Installing FileBot Support Apps on Synology AT

Post by DarellCraighead »

rednoah, thank you for the quick reply - hopefully I will be able to get all this done and start using FB soon.

I am not sure what all you mean from your response and I'm hoping I can explain what I did and have you tell me what I need to do next to get done.

From DSM I installed these sources:

I downloaded ejdk-8u6-fcs-b23-linux-i586-12_jun_2014.gz from Oracle and placed in the /volume1/public folder
then I installed Java SE Embedded 8 from PCLoadLetter

I installed MediaInfo from MissleHugger.

I installed FileBot from FileBot.

Then I installed the bootstrap syno-i686-bootstrap_1.2-7_i686.xsh
I ran ipkg update
ipkg upgrade
ipkg install gcc
ipkg install make
ipkg install optware-devel

this one fails with a wget confilct so then i did this:
wget ' ... 1_i686.ipk'
wget ' ... 2_i686.ipk'
ipkg remove wget
ipkg install libidn_1.25-1_i686.ipk
ipkg install wget-ssl_1.12-2_i686.ipk

export PATH=/opt/bin:$PATH
ipkg update
ipkg install optware-devel
ipkg install boost-dev boost-thread boost-system boost-date-time
ipkg install libcurl-dev
ipkg install libusb

I modified the /root/.profile adding /opt/sbin:/opt/bin: to the start of the path statement.

When I look for fpcalc I find - is that the right place?

If so, then I run into problems when it says:
In order to just compile the library, you will need to have either FFTW3 or FFmpeg installed, unless you are on OS X, where we can use the standard vDSP library. If you want to build the full package, you will also need TagLib, Boost and Google Test.

And it does not say HOW to install FFTW3 FFmpeg, TagLib, Boost (though I think I have Boost installed?) and Google Test.

Do I have to install all of those? If so, can you tell me where to get them and how to install them? If I do not have to "install" this, which files do I need to extract and where do I need to put them?

On a previous attempt to get this far (I wiped my DiskStation yesterday and started over clean) I tried to "install" chromaprint and ran into problems with CMake - if I need CMake to get where I'm going - then maybe someone can point me to how to get CMake working?

Let me go back to your response - I am a bit confused by it...

You say "if you tried the i686 ipkg package?"... do you mean to download filebot_4.5_i686.ipk and use ipkg install to install FB instead of using the Synology package? Is this a better method? If so, I will go that route.

You say "If you are using the SPK method" I am assuming this means they Synology package? then I need to download the generic x86 Linux libraries - which ones? where? and what do I do with them after I download them - what folder do they go in?

You say set "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" what do you mean by this? set this variable where? .profile? in

What do you mean by "Native code"?

Bottom line - if you can tell me EXACTLY what to do and how to do it - I'm there... I want FB to work and I am completely open to someone telling me exactly what to do.

Again, appreciate your help.
Posts: 22
Joined: 29 Nov 2014, 20:39

Re: Need Help Installing FileBot Support Apps on Synology AT

Post by DarellCraighead »

Stop the presses! I might have fixed it.. you tell me:

Code: Select all

DiskStation> filebot -script fn:sysinfo
Dec 03, 2014 9:33:25 AM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences$1 run
INFO: Created user preferences directory.
FileBot 4.5 (r2612)
JNA Native: 4.0.0
MediaInfo: MediaInfoLib - v0.7.69
7-Zip-JBinding: OK
chromaprint-tools: fpcalc version 1.1.0 (/opt/share/filebot/fpcalc)
Extended Attributes: OK
Groovy Engine: 2.3.7
JRE: Java(TM) SE Embedded Runtime Environment 1.8.0_06 (headless)
JVM: 32-bit Java HotSpot(TM) Embedded Server VM
CPU/MEM: 4 Core / 668 MB Max Memory / 17 MB Used Memory
OS: Linux (i386)
uname: Linux DiskStation 3.2.40 #5004 SMP Sat Nov 29 08:39:33 CST 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Done ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
Here is what I changed:
From DSM - uninstalled FileBot
Downloaded filebot_4.5_i686.ipk
ipkg intall filebot_4.5_i686.ipk

It looks to me like everything is good. If so, I will now try starting the cleanup on my media - will likely have some questions there too, please bear with me. I *have* read the posts on how to run the CLI... so fingers crossed.
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