Plex function renaming nfo files?

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Plex function renaming nfo files?

Post by casperse »


I just yesterday purchased Filebot (Took a chance) and I found the new plex1 plex2 plex3 function (Great, when you need to change small things in the orig {plex}).

I have tried to find this on the forum but no luck, so this is also my first post ;)

I have created this in order to keep my renaming like Metabrowser id setup do to it with Plex.

Code: Select all

P:/_TV/_FileBot_FIXED/{plex[1]} ({y})/{plex[2]}/{n} - {episode.special ? 's00e'+special.pad(2) : s00e00.lower()} - {t.replaceAll(/[`´‘’?]/, /'/).replaceAll(/[!?.]+$/).replacePart(', Part $1')}{'.'+lang}
This creates:
\Planet Earth II (2016)\Season 01\Planet Earth II - Vores Planet II - s01e01 - Islands.mkv and renames srt from dk to

Is there anyway I can get filebot to rename the existing nfo file to txt?
Metabrowser creates its own nfo file for Plex - I use a NFOPLEXSCRAPER plugin and its nice to have NFO files for KODI

Of topic if this isn't a missing feature?:
Also I am running filebot on a windows 10 on a Synology Virtual machine. - Can I use the license I bought for win 10 on the Synology filebot Docker version?
I can't find any automation (Scheduler) in the UI - is it possible to create two presets one for TV and one for movies and just let it run in the background?

Thanks for creating this very usefull tool, this could potentially make my setup 90% automated :mrgreen:

Cheers & regards
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Re: Plex function renaming nfo files?

Post by rednoah »

You could add some extra tags to the filename for NFO files:

Code: Select all

{ext =~ /nfo/ ? ' [FILEBOT-NFO]' : null}
FileBot normally wouldn't allow you to override file extensions, but you can enable Extension: Override and then you'll be able to define the extension via the format:

Code: Select all

.{ext.replace('nfo', 'txt')}

You cannot reuse the Windows license on other platforms. But since Synology DSM / DockerHub don't really support paid application yet, those packages are available as they are without paywall. So it's not something you need to worry about for now. ;)

If you're using Synology DSM, then I'd recommend using the Synology package instead of the generic Linux docker image:
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Re: Plex function renaming nfo files?

Post by casperse »

Could I combine this to rename nfo files to {n}.txt? getting movie title added to the txt files?

Also right now it will ignore any existing text file, and if needed I will have to copy them manually any way to just move any existing files left in the dir to the new one? in a command?

I have this now which works 99% (Found that plex replaces : with - and that Metabrowser just removes it in the DIR names, so another tweak)
Not sure Plex standard is to use - instead of : or if it's optional? most other meta crawlers just removes them from DIR names.

/_Filebot_output/{n.replace(':','')} ({y})/{n.replace(':','')} ({y}){'.'+lang}.{ext.replace('nfo', 'txt')}

Again thanks for your quick support I feel my money has been well spent! - any automation setting? scheduler/batch setup in the UI planned?

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Re: Plex function renaming nfo files?

Post by rednoah »

FileBot will process nfo files as if they're movie files, so they'll get matched and {n} will work as expected. If you have txt files, then FileBot will probably ignore them. You can't make FileBot process txt files AFAIK.

Isn't FileBot Node kinda what you're asking for?
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Re: Plex function renaming nfo files?

Post by casperse »

Please consider my purchase as a donation to Filebot Node :oops: (Having Windows 10 running as a virtual PC requires way more power than this package does)

Please also consider to write that the JAVA package you have created is mandatory like the "Node.js is required" that would have saved me reading about symbolic links and installing the normal Java package, SSH and so much other funn ;)

Anyway I have it all working but seem to have some access issues that I haven't been able to clear up using the forum:
Illegal Argument: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /volume1/downloads/_AA_FILEBOT_INPUT (/volume1/downloads/_AA_FILEBOT_INPUT)
Run script [fn:amc] at [Sun Aug 20 13:20:28 CEST 2017]
Parameter: subtitles = dan
Parameter: skipExtract = y
Parameter: excludeList = .excludes
Argument[0]: File does not exist: /volume1/downloads/_AA_FILEBOT_INPUT
Illegal usage: output folder must exist and must be a directory: /volume1/downloads/_AA_FILEBOT_OUTPUT
Failure (°_°)
And yes the directory exists! (This is just a test setup creating a sub dir in the same download folder), I have different volumes so I guess I need to use copy later)

Is it a CHMOD thing? Filebot user?

Also where do I find a way to input my "script changes" s00e01, replacing : with a space not a - and so on?

Again thanks for your quick response and excellent support! - Just point me in the right direction and I will try to learn the rest ;)
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Re: Plex function renaming nfo files?

Post by rednoah »

rednoah wrote:Notes:
  • FileBot requires java. You will need to install the latest Java (Oracle Java recommended) package.
  • FileBot Node requires node. You will need to install the latest Node.js (Node.js v4 recommended) package.
  • Please read How to use FileBot Node to learn how FileBot Node and the filebot command-line tools are meant to be used.
  • If you process music, you need to install MediaInfo and Chromaprint.
  • If you use mediainfo bindings in your format, you need to install MediaInfo.
  • Java 8 is required. My Unofficial Java Installer package will help you install the latest Oracle JDK.
  • Running commands from the login shell is not the same as using Synology DSM Task Scheduler or cron because they'll not initialise with ~/.profile so keep in mind that $PATH will be different.
  • filebot must not be run as root and it is recommended that you always run filebot as admin
Please read the Notes. You'll probably want to read all of them since you'll probably run into all of them. ;)

Permission issues. Create a new Shared Folder in DSM and create some test files and see if that works. Then you know what works, and what doesn't, and you just need to figure out what's different. ;)

The destination path (i.e. with or without : characters) is defined by your format, so you can pass in a custom format if you don't like the default {plex} format.
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Re: Plex function renaming nfo files?

Post by casperse »

Okay I have keept reading and experimenting with shared folders on my Synology.

All my settings below for Plex token and custom settings are gone today (Opening and closing Filebot Node, could this be cash logging in on another PC?)
Or is there a manually file I can write this to....wait I remember no INI files :oops:
Answer: viewtopic.php?t=5192 (This also mean that logging in on another PC = No settings!

I will move myself to the Node forum after this post ;)

Last edited by casperse on 21 Aug 2017, 07:41, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Plex function renaming nfo files?

Post by rednoah »

Permission issues are tricky. I can't really help you without sitting at the keyboard and trying lots and lots of things in rapid succession. There's probably some sort of reason. Using _ to start your shared folder name is probably a bad idea. Also, Google is your friend.

You posted 2 logs that show that FileBot can't see any files. I don't see anything that would indicated that it worked at some point in some way.

FileBot Node is primarily a browser app, so all the recent settings are stored in your browser, and not on the server / NAS device.
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Re: Plex function renaming nfo files?

Post by casperse »

:oops: Ok found the problem (Stupid me I have 5 different volumes! helps writing the correct one forgot I moved a folder to get more space )

But a NAS is acessed anywhere over the internet, so wouldnt that mean that the settings would only be on the PC's browser where you were setting it up?
Filebot Node runs perfectly in a window when accessing the Synology DSM page (Just tried it from work) but without any settings?
Would adding a batch job keep the settings? (Sorry for the stupid Q's)
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Re: Plex function renaming nfo files?

Post by rednoah »

Pretty much. The jobs are executed on the NAS so that's the same view all users will see. But the task configuration options you enter are only stored in the browser local storage, and not on the NAS and synced between clients.

Once you've added a job to the NAS, you won't be able to modify it anymore. You can just monitor the output.
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Re: Plex function renaming nfo files?

Post by DaVoodoo »

casperse wrote: 19 Aug 2017, 09:37 Hi

I just yesterday purchased Filebot (Took a chance) and I found the new plex1 plex2 plex3 function (Great, when you need to change small things in the orig {plex}).
Sorry for the hijack, but can you please explain what the new plex1, plex2 and plex3 function does?
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Re: Plex function renaming nfo files?

Post by casperse »

DaVoodoo wrote: 21 Aug 2017, 17:43
casperse wrote: 19 Aug 2017, 09:37 Hi

I just yesterday purchased Filebot (Took a chance) and I found the new plex1 plex2 plex3 function (Great, when you need to change small things in the orig {plex}).
Sorry for the hijack, but can you please explain what the new plex1, plex2 and plex3 function does?
You can find them all here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4116
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