Rename to add video codec

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Rename to add video codec

Post by Mustang »

Hey Rednoah!

I have a question for ya. I realize Filebot is probably complete overkill for this, but I love the product and don't really want to use anything else. (but I'm open to suggestions)

All I want to do is add the video codec to the file name. I don't want Filebot to go through all of its glory and try to check for the TV or Movie name via TVDB, MovieDB, and then do all of its magic.

Is there a way to use Filebot to check the codec (i.e. x264 or x265) and just add that to the filename? If there are other more simple products out there that can do this, I'd appreciate any suggestions.

And, btw, I want to do this on my entire library which is quite extensive.

thanks in advance!
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Re: Rename to add video codec

Post by rednoah »

Easy. Just use Plain File mode with a custom format such as this:

Code: Select all

{fn} [{vc}]
@see viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2072

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Re: Rename to add video codec

Post by Mustang »

Hello again,

Sorry for the delay. I've been out of town and without internet connection for quite some time. Just got back recently.

I would prefer to do this from the command line. I plan on searching and renaming my entire library, which is quite extensive. I've done some searching and can't figure out how to use Plain File Mode. Can you give me an example that I can work with?

Also, if I use CLI, how can I run one command on an entire /media/Movies folder? Hopefully, I don't have to run the command on every individual movie folder. It'd be much easier if I can run it on the "Movies" folder and it renames all "media" files in each subfolder.

Thanks again,
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Re: Rename to add video codec

Post by rednoah »

-rename --db xattr -non-strict will give you more or less what Plain File does in the GUI.

Add your custom --format and -r and that's pretty much it.

You will find some general examples here:
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