AMC - Ubuntu 12.04 - Transmission - Permissions problem

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AMC - Ubuntu 12.04 - Transmission - Permissions problem

Post by namewithhe1d »

Hey guys,

Trying to get this figured out. I'm pretty certain I have a permissions problem somewhere, and not sure how to diagnose it. Filebot is failing when trying to save with Keeplink. Same happens with hardlink.

Here is my Transmission code:

Code: Select all


filebot -script fn:amc --output "/Storage" --log-file amc.log --action keeplink --conflict override -non-strict --def music=y artwork=n xbmc=nas.local clean=y  "ut_dir=$TR_TORRENT_DIR/$TR_TORRENT_NAME" "ut_kind=multi" "ut_title=$TR_TORRENT_NAME"
Filebot log

Parameter: music = y
Parameter: artwork = n
Parameter: xbmc = nas.local
Parameter: clean = y
Parameter: ut_dir = /storage/Downloads/mythbusters.s12e04.720p.hdtv.x264-killer$
Parameter: ut_kind = multi
Parameter: ut_title = mythbusters.s12e04.720p.hdtv.x264-killers.mkv
Input: /storage/Downloads/mythbusters.s12e04.720p.hdtv.x264-killers.mkv
Group: [tvs:mythbusters] => [mythbusters.s12e04.720p.hdtv.x264-killers.mkv]
Rename episodes using [TheTVDB]
Auto-detected query: [mythbusters]
Fetching episode data for [MythBusters]
[KEEPLINK] Rename [/storage/Downloads/mythbusters.s12e04.720p.hdtv.x264-killers$
[KEEPLINK] Failed to rename [/storage/Downloads/mythbusters.s12e04.720p.hdtv.x2$
IOException: Failed to create folder: /Storage/TV Shows/MythBusters/Season 12
Done ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
Transmission log
Transmission log

Thu May 23 10:32:05 2013 mythbusters.s12e04.720p.hdtv.x264-killers.mkv State changed from "Incomplete" to "Complete"
Thu May 23 10:32:05 2013 mythbusters.s12e04.720p.hdtv.x264-killers.mkv Calling script "/usr/local/bin/transmission-postprocess"
Thu May 23 10:32:09 2013 Saved "/home/matt/.config/transmission/resume/mythbusters.s12e04.720p.hdtv.x264-killers.mkv.341d3be330156853.resume"
Thu May 23 10:32:09 2013 Saved "/home/matt/.config/transmission/stats.json"
Amc.groovy (untouched):

Code: Select all

// filebot -script "fn:amc" --output "X:/media" --action copy --conflict override --def subtitles=en music=y artwork=y "ut_dir=%D" "ut_file=%F" "ut_kind=%K" "ut_title=%N" "ut_label=%L" "ut_state=%S"
def input = []
def failOnError = _args.conflict == 'fail'

// print input parameters
_args.bindings?.each{ _log.fine("Parameter: $it.key = $it.value") }
args.each{ _log.fine("Argument: $it") }
args.findAll{ !it.exists() }.each{ throw new Exception("File not found: $it") }

// check user-defined pre-condition
if (tryQuietly{ !(ut_state ==~ ut_state_allow) }) {
	throw new Exception("Invalid state: ut_state = $ut_state (expected $ut_state_allow)")

// enable/disable features as specified via --def parameters
def music     = tryQuietly{ music.toBoolean() }
def subtitles = tryQuietly{ subtitles.toBoolean() ? ['en'] : subtitles.split(/[ ,|]+/).findAll{ it.length() >= 2 } }
def artwork   = tryQuietly{ artwork.toBoolean() }
def backdrops = tryQuietly{ backdrops.toBoolean() }
def clean     = tryQuietly{ clean.toBoolean() }
def exec      = tryQuietly{ exec.toString() }

// array of xbmc/plex hosts
def xbmc = tryQuietly{ xbmc.split(/[ ,|]+/) }
def plex = tryQuietly{ plex.split(/[ ,|]+/) }

// myepisodes updates and email notifications
def myepisodes = tryQuietly { myepisodes.split(':', 2) }
def gmail = tryQuietly{ gmail.split(':', 2) }
def pushover = tryQuietly{ pushover.toString() }

// user-defined filters
def minFileSize = tryQuietly{ minFileSize.toLong() }; if (minFileSize == null) { minFileSize = 0 };

// series/anime/movie format expressions
def format = [
	tvs:   tryQuietly{ seriesFormat } ?: '''TV Shows/{n}/{episode.special ? "Special" : "Season "+s.pad(2)}/{n} - {episode.special ? "S00E"+special.pad(2) : s00e00} - {t.replaceAll(/[`´‘’ʻ]/, "'").replaceAll(/[!?.]+$/).replacePart(', Part $1')}{".$lang"}''',
	anime: tryQuietly{ animeFormat  } ?: '''Anime/{n}/{n} - {sxe} - {t.replaceAll(/[!?.]+$/).replaceAll(/[`´‘’ʻ]/, "'").replacePart(', Part $1')}''',
	mov:   tryQuietly{ movieFormat  } ?: '''Movies/{n} ({y})/{n} ({y}){" CD$pi"}{".$lang"}''',
	music: tryQuietly{ musicFormat  } ?: '''Music/{n}/{album+'/'}{pi.pad(2)+'. '}{artist} - {t}'''

// force movie/series/anime logic
def forceMovie(f) {
	tryQuietly{ ut_label } =~ /^(?i:Movie|Couch.Potato)/ || f.path =~ /(?<=tt)\\d{7}/ || tryQuietly{ f.metadata?.object? =~ /Movie/ }

def forceSeries(f) {
	tryQuietly{ ut_label } =~ /^(?i:TV|Kids.Shows)/ || parseEpisodeNumber(f.path) || parseDate(f.path) || f.path =~ /(?i:Season)\D?[0-9]{1,2}/ || tryQuietly{ f.metadata?.object? =~ /Episode/ }

def forceAnime(f) {
	tryQuietly{ ut_label } =~ /^(?i:Anime)/ || (f.isVideo() && ( =~ "[\\(\\[]\\p{XDigit}{8}[\\]\\)]" || getMediaInfo(file:f, format:'''{media.AudioLanguageList} {media.TextCodecList}''').tokenize().containsAll(['Japanese', 'ASS'])))

def forceIgnore(f) {
	tryQuietly{ ut_label } =~ /^(?i:ebook|other|ignore)/ || f.path =~ tryQuietly{ ignore }

// specify how to resolve input folders, e.g. grab files from all folders except disk folders
def resolveInput(f) {
	if (f.isDirectory() && !f.isDisk())
		return f.listFiles().toList().findResults{ resolveInput(it) }
		return f

// collect input fileset as specified by the given --def parameters
if (args.empty) {
	// assume we're called with utorrent parameters (account for older and newer versions of uTorrents)
	if (ut_kind == 'single' || (ut_kind != 'multi' && ut_dir && ut_file)) {
		input += new File(ut_dir, ut_file) // single-file torrent
	} else {
		input += resolveInput(ut_dir as File) // multi-file torrent
} else {
	// assume we're called normally with arguments
	input += args.findResults{ resolveInput(it) }

// flatten nested file structure
input = input.flatten()

// extract archives (zip, rar, etc) that contain at least one video file
def tempFiles = []
input = input.flatten{ f ->
	if (f.isArchive() || f.hasExtension('001')) {
		def extractDir = new File(f.dir, f.nameWithoutExtension)
		def extractFiles = extract(file: f, output: new File(extractDir,, conflict: 'override', filter: { it.isArchive() || it.isVideo() || it.isSubtitle() || (music && it.isAudio()) }, forceExtractAll: true) ?: []
		tempFiles += extractDir
		tempFiles += extractFiles
		return extractFiles
	return f

// sanitize input
input = input.findAll{ it?.exists() }.collect{ it.canonicalFile }.unique()

// process only media files
input = input.findAll{ it.isVideo() || it.isSubtitle() || it.isDisk() || (music && it.isAudio()) }

// ignore clutter files
input = input.findAll{ !(it.path =~ /\b(?i:sample|trailer|extras|deleted.scenes||scrapbook|behind.the.scenes)\b/ || (it.isFile() && it.length() < minFileSize)) }

// print input fileset
input.each{ f -> _log.finest("Input: $f") }

// artwork/nfo utility

// group episodes/movies and rename according to XBMC standards
def groups = input.groupBy{ f ->
	// skip auto-detection if possible
	if (forceIgnore(f))
		return []
	if (f.isAudio() && !f.isVideo()) // PROCESS MUSIC FOLDER BY FOLDER
		return [music:]
	if (forceMovie(f))
		return [mov:   detectMovie(f, false)]
	if (forceSeries(f))
		return [tvs:   detectSeriesName(f) ?: detectSeriesName(f.dir.listFiles{ it.isVideo() })]
	if (forceAnime(f))
		return [anime: detectSeriesName(f) ?: detectSeriesName(f.dir.listFiles{ it.isVideo() })]
	def tvs = detectSeriesName(f)
	def mov = detectMovie(f, false)
	_log.fine("$ [series: $tvs, movie: $mov]")
	if (tvs && mov) {
		def norm = { s -> s.ascii().normalizePunctuation().lower().space(' ') }
		def dn = norm(guessMovieFolder(f)?.name ?: '')
		def fn = norm(f.nameWithoutExtension)
		def sn = norm(tvs)
		def mn = norm(
		// S00E00 | 2012.07.21 | One Piece 217 | Firefly - Serenity | [Taken 1, Taken 2, Taken 3, Taken 4, ..., Taken 10]
		if ((parseEpisodeNumber(fn, true) || parseDate(fn) || ([dn, fn].find{ it =~ sn && matchMovie(it, true) == null } && (parseEpisodeNumber(fn.after(sn), false) || fn.after(sn) =~ /\d{1,2}\D+\d{1,2}/) && matchMovie(fn, true) == null) || (fn.after(sn) ==~ /.{0,3} - .+/ && matchMovie(fn, true) == null) || f.dir.listFiles{ it.isVideo() && norm( =~ sn && =~ /\b\d{1,3}\b/}.size() >= 10) && !tryQuietly{ def m = detectMovie(f, true); m.year >= 1950 && f.listPath().reverse().take(3).find{ =~ m.year } }) {
			_log.fine("Exclude Movie: $mov")
			mov = null
		} else if (mn ==~ fn || (detectMovie(f, true) && [dn, fn].find{ it =~ /(19|20)\d{2}/ }) || [dn, fn].find{ it =~ mn && !(it.after(mn) =~ /\b\d{1,3}\b/) && !(it.before(mn).contains(sn)) }) {
			_log.fine("Exclude Series: $tvs")
			tvs = null
	if (((mov && tvs) || (!mov && !tvs)) && failOnError) {
		throw new Exception("Media detection failed")
	return [tvs: tvs, mov: mov, anime: null]

// log movie/series/anime detection results
groups.each{ group, files -> _log.finest("Group: $group => ${files*.name}") }

// process each batch
groups.each{ group, files ->
	// fetch subtitles (but not for anime)
	if (subtitles && !group.anime) {
		subtitles.each{ languageCode ->
			def subtitleFiles = getMissingSubtitles(file:files, output:'srt', encoding:'UTF-8', lang:languageCode, strict:true) ?: []
			files += subtitleFiles
			tempFiles += subtitleFiles // if downloaded for temporarily extraced files delete later
	if (( || group.anime) && ! {
		// choose series / anime config
		def config = ? [,,   db:'TheTVDB', seasonFolder:true ]
		                       : [name:group.anime, format:format.anime, db:'AniDB',   seasonFolder:false]
		def dest = rename(file: files, format: config.format, db: config.db)
		if (dest && artwork) {
			dest.mapByFolder().each{ dir, fs ->
				_log.finest "Fetching artwork for $dir from TheTVDB"
				def sxe = fs.findResult{ eps -> parseEpisodeNumber(eps) }
				def options =
				if (options.isEmpty()) {
					_log.warning "TV Series not found: $"
				options = options.sortBySimilarity(, { s -> })
				fetchSeriesArtworkAndNfo(config.seasonFolder ? dir.dir : dir, dir, options[0], sxe && sxe.season > 0 ? sxe.season : 1)
		if (dest == null && failOnError) {
			throw new Exception("Failed to rename series: $")
	if ( && ! && !group.anime) {
		def dest = rename(file:files,, db:'TheMovieDB')
		if (dest && artwork) {
			dest.mapByFolder().each{ dir, fs ->
				_log.finest "Fetching artwork for $dir from TheMovieDB"
				fetchMovieArtworkAndNfo(dir,, fs.findAll{ it.isVideo() }.sort{ it.length() }.reverse().findResult{ it }, backdrops)
		if (dest == null && failOnError) {
			throw new Exception("Failed to rename movie: $")
	if ( {
		def dest = rename(file:files,, db:'AcoustID')
		if (dest == null && failOnError) {
			throw new Exception("Failed to rename music: $")

// skip notifications if nothing was renamed anyway
if (getRenameLog().isEmpty()) {

// run program on newly processed files
if (exec) {
	getRenameLog().each{ from, to ->
		def command = getMediaInfo(format: exec, file: to)
		_log.finest("Execute: $command")

// make XMBC scan for new content and display notification message
if (xbmc) {
	xbmc.each{ host -> "Notify XBMC: $host"
			showNotification(host, 9090, 'FileBot', "Finished processing ${tryQuietly { ut_title } ?: input*} (${getRenameLog().size()} files).", '')
			scanVideoLibrary(host, 9090)

// make Plex scan for new content
if (plex) {
	plex.each{ "Notify Plex: $it"

// mark episodes as 'acquired'
if (myepisodes) { 'Update MyEpisodes'
	include('fn:update-mes', [login:myepisodes.join(':'), addshows:true], getRenameLog().values())

if (pushover) {
	// include webservice utility
	include('fn:lib/ws') 'Sending Pushover notification'
	Pushover(pushover).send("Finished processing ${tryQuietly { ut_title } ?: input*} (${getRenameLog().size()} files).")

// send status email
if (gmail) {
	// ant/mail utility
	// send html mail
	def renameLog = getRenameLog()
	def emailTitle = tryQuietly { ut_title } ?: input*
		subject: "[FileBot] ${emailTitle}",
		message: XML {
			html {
				body {
					p("FileBot finished processing ${emailTitle} (${renameLog.size()} files).");
					hr(); table {
						th("Parameter"); th("Value")
						_args.bindings.findAll{ param -> param.key =~ /^ut_/ }.each{ param ->
							tr { [param.key, param.value].each{ td(it)} }
					hr(); table {
						th("Original Name"); th("New Name"); th("New Location")
						renameLog.each{ from, to ->
							tr { [,, to.parent].each{ cell -> td{ nobr{ code(cell) } } } }
					hr(); small("// Generated by ${net.sourceforge.filebot.Settings.applicationIdentifier} on ${new Date().dateString} at ${new Date().timeString}")
		messagemimetype: 'text/html',
		to: tryQuietly{ mailto } ?: gmail[0] + '', // mail to self by default
		user: gmail[0], password: gmail[1]

// clean empty folders, clutter files, etc after move
if (clean) {
	if (['COPY', 'HARDLINK'].find{ it.equalsIgnoreCase(_args.action) } && tempFiles.size() > 0) { 'Clean temporary extracted files'
		// delete extracted files
		tempFiles.findAll{ it.isFile() }.sort().each{
			_log.finest "Delete $it"
		// delete remaining empty folders
		tempFiles.findAll{ it.isDirectory() }.sort().reverse().each{
			_log.finest "Delete $it"
			if (it.getFiles().isEmpty()) it.deleteDir()
	// deleting remaining files only makes sense after moving files
	if ('MOVE'.equalsIgnoreCase(_args.action)) { 'Clean clutter files and empty folders'
		include('fn:cleaner', [root:true], !args.empty ? args : ut_kind == 'multi' && ut_dir ? [ut_dir as File] : [])
The permissions of my /Downloads folder is: drwxr-xr-x matt:matt
The permissions of my /TV Shows folder is: drwxr-xr-x matt:matt
The permissions of my DL completed torrent is: -rw-r--r-- matt:matt
>> I'm assuming it has something to do with this completed torrent, as this is the only permission out of whack, but it was automatically created after Transmissions finished downloading and moved it to this folder.

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The Source
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Re: AMC - Ubuntu 12.04 - Transmission - Permissions problem

Post by rednoah »

I'd guess it can't create /Storage. I see you already have /storage but /Storage would be a different folder that needs to be created it might not be allowed to create folders in /

Code: Select all

IOException: Failed to create folder: /Storage/TV Shows/MythBusters/Season 12
:idea: Please read the FAQ and How to Request Help.
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Re: AMC - Ubuntu 12.04 - Transmission - Permissions problem

Post by namewithhe1d »

That pesky capital letter. I'll go see what I can do about that, then report back
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Joined: 23 May 2013, 14:41

Re: AMC - Ubuntu 12.04 - Transmission - Permissions problem

Post by namewithhe1d »

It worked!! So, another little quirk came up:
Parameter: music = y
Parameter: artwork = n
Parameter: xbmc = nas.local
Parameter: clean = y
Parameter: ut_dir = /storage/Downloads/Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0
Parameter: ut_kind = multi
Parameter: ut_title = Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0
Input: /storage/Downloads/Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0/11 - Nothing That Has Happened So Far Has Been Anything We Could Control.mp3
Input: /storage/Downloads/Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0/12 - Sun's Coming Up.mp3
Input: /storage/Downloads/Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0/07 - Feels Like We Only Go Backwards.mp3
Input: /storage/Downloads/Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0/02 - Endors Toi.mp3
Input: /storage/Downloads/Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0/03 - Apocalypse Dreams.mp3
Input: /storage/Downloads/Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0/09 - Elephant.mp3
Input: /storage/Downloads/Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0/04 - Mind Mischief.mp3
Input: /storage/Downloads/Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0/05 - Music to Walk Home By.mp3
Input: /storage/Downloads/Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0/01 - Be Above It.mp3
Input: /storage/Downloads/Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0/08 - Keep On Lying.mp3
Input: /storage/Downloads/Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0/06 - Why Won't They Talk to Me.mp3
Input: /storage/Downloads/Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0/10 - She Just Won't Believe Me.mp3
Group: [music:Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0] => [11 - Nothing That Has Happened So Far Has Been Anything We Could Control.mp3, 12 - Sun's Coming Up.mp3, 07 - Feels Like We Only Go Backwards.mp3, 02 - Endors Toi.mp3, 03 - Apocalypse Dreams.mp3, 09 - Elephant.mp3, 04 - Mind Mischief.mp3, 05 - Music to Walk Home By.mp3, 01 - Be Above It.mp3, 08 - Keep On Lying.mp3, 06 - Why Won't They Talk to Me.mp3, 10 - She Just Won't Believe Me.mp3]
Rename music using [AcoustID]
Stripping invalid characters from new path: Music/Tame Impala/Lonerism/06. Tame Impala - Why Won't They Talk to Me?
[KEEPLINK] Rename [/storage/Downloads/Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0/11 - Nothing That Has Happened So Far Has Been Anything We Could Control.mp3] to [/storage/Music/Tame Impala/Lonerism/11. Tame Impala - Nothing That Has Happened So Far Has Been Anything We Could Control.mp3]
[KEEPLINK] Rename [/storage/Downloads/Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0/12 - Sun's Coming Up.mp3] to [/storage/Music/Tame Impala/Lonerism/12. Tame Impala - Sun's Coming Up.mp3]
[KEEPLINK] Rename [/storage/Downloads/Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0/07 - Feels Like We Only Go Backwards.mp3] to [/storage/Music/Tame Impala/Lonerism/07. Tame Impala - Feels Like We Only Go Backwards.mp3]
[KEEPLINK] Rename [/storage/Downloads/Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0/02 - Endors Toi.mp3] to [/storage/Music/Tame Impala/Lonerism/02. Tame Impala - Endors Toi.mp3]
[KEEPLINK] Rename [/storage/Downloads/Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0/03 - Apocalypse Dreams.mp3] to [/storage/Music/Tame Impala/03. Tame Impala - Apocalypse Dreams.mp3]
[KEEPLINK] Rename [/storage/Downloads/Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0/09 - Elephant.mp3] to [/storage/Music/Tame Impala/Elephant/01. Tame Impala - Elephant.mp3]
[KEEPLINK] Rename [/storage/Downloads/Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0/04 - Mind Mischief.mp3] to [/storage/Music/Tame Impala/Lonerism/04. Tame Impala - Mind Mischief.mp3]
[KEEPLINK] Rename [/storage/Downloads/Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0/05 - Music to Walk Home By.mp3] to [/storage/Music/Tame Impala/Lonerism/05. Tame Impala - Music to Walk Home By.mp3]
[KEEPLINK] Rename [/storage/Downloads/Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0/01 - Be Above It.mp3] to [/storage/Music/Tame Impala/Lonerism/01. Tame Impala - Be Above It.mp3]
[KEEPLINK] Rename [/storage/Downloads/Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0/08 - Keep On Lying.mp3] to [/storage/Music/Tame Impala/Lonerism/08. Tame Impala - Keep on Lying.mp3]
[KEEPLINK] Rename [/storage/Downloads/Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0/06 - Why Won't They Talk to Me.mp3] to [/storage/Music/Tame Impala/Lonerism/06. Tame Impala - Why Won't They Talk to Me.mp3]
[KEEPLINK] Rename [/storage/Downloads/Tame Impala - Lonerism (2012) - V0/10 - She Just Won't Believe Me.mp3] to [/storage/Music/Tame Impala/Lonerism/10. Tame Impala - She Just Won't Believe Me.mp3]
Processed 12 files
Two tracks are not carried over in the same album.. One is placed just in the Artist folder, the other is placed in its own album folder (see tracks 03 Apocolypse Dreams and 09 Elephant, respectively).

Also, when I changed it around in the final destination folder to fix the ordering, they were deleted from the Downloads folder. I assume that has something to do with the Keeplink function. Any way to preserve the connection better?

Thanks again, huge help - and a great tool you've made here!
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The Source
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Re: AMC - Ubuntu 12.04 - Transmission - Permissions problem

Post by rednoah »

Audio metadata is solely based on what acoustid/musicbrainz says. Original filenames are completely ignored. If you want to rely on tags you have to change the music format.
:idea: Please read the FAQ and How to Request Help.
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