Renaming folders on Mac network share

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Renaming folders on Mac network share

Post by dtdickman »

Hey there,

I've looked around a bit but still am a bit confused about naming conventions for network shares on a mac. I have a home server called MediaCenter and within this share there are different folders.... TV Shows, Live Shows, Movies, Documentaries etc....

Now, for lets say, Movies..... Can my naming convention automatically rename the folder, files and automatically place it on the network share in the respective "Movies" Folder?

My understanding is that the code would look something like this

Code: Select all

V:/Movies/{n} {y}/{n} {y}
But what does the "V:" translate to on a mac? I've tried replaceing V: with name of the network share and the path to the movies folder.

Code: Select all

MediaCenter:/MediaServer/Movies/{n} {y}/{n} {y}

But still no luck, What am I missing here?
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Re: Renaming folders on Mac network share

Post by rednoah »

Any native path works. On Windows that includes V:/ and //server/ syntax.

As OSX is unix I assume any unix /path works but your server:/path construct seems like something that has to be supported in each software and is not supported in the filesystem layer.

You'll have to use the path where that network share is mounted into the local filesystem. Or set it up to be mounted properly (kinda like mapping network drives on windows).
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