Displaying the path for "Original Files" in GUI?

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Displaying the path for "Original Files" in GUI?

Post by Wirly »

When I first started using FileBot I named my series folders with a simple {n}. However, a few years later I switched over to {ny} to avoid conflictions in Kodi/Plex.

I still have hundreds of shows that maintain their {n} format, so I'd like to run them through FileBot again to scrape TVDB for {ny}.


Code: Select all

{n}/Season {s.pad(2)}/{s00e00} - {t} --> {ny}/Season {s.pad(2)}/{s00e00} - {t}
The problem is that when I add a bunch of folders to the Original Files side of the GUI, I can't see the path. All I see is the filename ({s00e00} - {t}) so I have no idea what show it corresponds to. I'm essentially in the dark about what I'm doing if I'm processing a bunch of folders at once. I'm using the GUI because when a series can't be matched, I'd like to see the poster preview so I could pick-out the right one.

Is there any way I can display the parent path(s) for the Original Files side?

Since the FileBot GUI can't accept folders to rename while ignoring the contents, I'm going at this in a round-about way. If I simply add my series folders, it will want to read the contents and process ALL my episodes, which would just be a waste of time. As a work-around, I copied all my series folder names and used them to create dummy directories. Each dummy directory has 1 file (just enough to run it through FileBot) and is laid out as: {n}\s01e01.mkv

I am going to add all these dummy directories to Filebot and process the files to "SeriesNameFixed\{ny}.mkv". Once FileBot outputs {ny}.mkv, I'm going to copy the filename (minus the extension), and then rename my series folders using the generated {ny} names. Pretty straight-forward, I just need to source the {ny} names first.

*** Update ***
I was able to get around the lack of path by changing my dummy filenames from {n}\S01E01.mkv to {n}.S01E01.mkv. I thought FileBot would consider the {n} as an episode {t}, but it seems to work just as-well as {n}\S01E01. This will suffice for my little project, but I am still curious if there is an option to display the path in the Original Files section of the GUI.
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Re: Displaying the path for "Original Files" in GUI?

Post by rednoah »

⭑⭑ Please follow the How do I organize files for Plex? instructions if you're organizing files for Plex. ⭑⭑

You'll want to use {plex.id} as format (and TheMovieDB::TV as datasource if you're using newer versions of Plex) to future-proof your setup if you're already putting work into re-organizing things anyway. Might as well do it correctly (see Naming and Organizing Your TV Show Files) from the start to avoid trouble in the future.

:idea: Do Double-Click ➔ Reveal in Original Files to reveal the selected file item.


:idea: Do Double-Click ➔ Edit Match in New Names to check and change the Episode match if incorrect.


:idea: Do Double-Click ➔ Inspect in New Names to toggle the match details view.



If you want {s00e00} - {t} naming for personal file browsing preferences (as opposed to following the Plex naming standard) then you can generate such a secondary structure on demand from your primary well-named structure. Please read Re-organize previously organized files using local xattr metadata for details.
:idea: Please read the FAQ and How to Request Help.
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