Write history for renamed series to its dir

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Write history for renamed series to its dir

Post by kanth »

I couldn't find an option to do this in search.

I was wondering if there could be an option to write the "new name - old name" history for a title to a file in the directory you made the changes in?
So when you rename something like SERIES/"[vendor] Original Title.mkv" to SERIES/"New Consistent Title.mkv" you would have that in a file in the directory you changed. (ie: somefile like "SERIES/name-history.txt").

Am I just ignorant about how to do this? I know I can see it by looking at filebot's history, I'm just looking for an easier way to quickly open the original file and see who the ripper/subtitler was and what the specs were on the file from the original title.


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Re: Write history for renamed series to its dir

Post by rednoah »

FileBot does keep a history, but FileBot does not store this history in each destination folder. You could auto-generate your custom per-folder history files from the global FileBot history.

e.g. print history for a given folder to a given text file:

Code: Select all

filebot -script fn:history /path/to/folder > /path/to/folder/name-history.txt

If you primarily care about the original file name for a given file, then checking xattr might be easier than going through the history. Please read Metadata and Extended Attributes for details.


Code: Select all

filebot -mediainfo /path/to/files --format "{original} => {fn}"
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