Rename Extreme Championship Wrestling - Episode 01-03-1995 and up

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Rename Extreme Championship Wrestling - Episode 01-03-1995 and up

Post by Cooltwou »

I moved some media files from my laptop to the program and it was having a hard time finding the program in tvdb and I found the episodes in the episode section under rename and I moved them to the right section that said new names but I don’t know what to do next because all I see is match or rename and most of the files in the new name section are highlighted red I don’t know what that means either and I picture that can I attach to show what it is showing me but I don’t know how to attach that picture
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Re: I need help with renaming media

Post by rednoah »

:arrow: Please open FAQ #2 and Manual Matching for ideas and video tutorials, if you're having trouble with one file or another.

:arrow: Please read How to Request Help and post screenshots or sample file paths as text if you need help with a specific set of files.
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Re: I need help with renaming media

Post by Cooltwou » & i looked at those videos and I don’t understand what they are doing because nobody is talking and explaining what they are doing and I am trying to rename ECW Hardcore TV and the screenshot the ones on the left are not named right but the ones on the right are but I don’t know much about this program so I am really confused on what to do
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Re: I need help with renaming media

Post by rednoah »

This video tutorial shows you exactly what you need to do, just follow the exact same steps, the only difference is that you want to enter ECW Hardcore TV when searching for episodes, and then select episodes starting at ECW Hardcore TV - 3x01 - Hardcore TV 89 which correspondings to 01-03-1995 and later:

:idea: Here's what it'll look like:

:idea: I've added {d} to the format so that we can see the episode airdate and visually ensure that it matches:

Format: Select all

{n} - {s00e00} - [{d}] {t}{subt}
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Re: I need help with renaming media

Post by Cooltwou »

I don’t understand what they are doing in that video because nobody is telling me exactly what they are doing and the stuff written on the screen goes bye to fast to tell what they are doing
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Re: I need help with renaming media

Post by Cooltwou »

I am confused it renamed the 1995 to series 3 but for 1996 it renamed it to 5 and that doesn’t seem right and 1997 it renamed it to 6 1998 it named number wise back to 3 1999 it named it to 7 2000 it named it as 4 I don’t understand why it did it that way
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Re: I need help with renaming media

Post by rednoah »

Cooltwou wrote: 26 Oct 2023, 04:22 I don’t understand what they are doing in that video because nobody is telling me exactly what they are doing and the stuff written on the screen goes bye to fast to tell what they are doing
You can press SPACE to pause the video. You can also change the speed to 0.25x if you need time to follow along. You can and watch the video multiple times if it's not clear the first time around.

Cooltwou wrote: 26 Oct 2023, 04:57 I am confused it renamed the 1995 to series 3 but for 1996 it renamed it to 5 and that doesn’t seem right and 1997 it renamed it to 6 1998 it named number wise back to 3 1999 it named it to 7 2000 it named it as 4 I don’t understand why it did it that way
Every case is different. You may need to manually align files / episodes if your files / episodes don't align by nature. Depends on the files that you have. If you have one file for every Episode in order, then things will align by nature. If things don't just align, then you have to manually multi-select the Episode items for which you do have the corresponding files, and not select the Episode items for which you do not have the corresponding file. You can process files in groups, one group at a time, no need to do everything at once.

:idea: If you use Episodes ➔ Send to Rename then FileBot will not attempt to match your files in any way whatsoever. It'll just add the Episode items to the list in order. You yourself are adding File items on the left-hand side, and Episode items the right-hand side, hence Manual Matching. You'll want to add on the left-hand side whichever Episode items align with the File items that you have loaded into the left-hand side.
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Re: Rename Extreme Championship Wrestling - Episode 01-03-1995 and up

Post by Cooltwou »

I am still confused here I don’t understand why it renamed them the wrong way and I can watch that video over and over and I still will not understand what they are doing because nobody is explaining what to do by speaking and do I need to redo these one year at a time
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Re: Rename Extreme Championship Wrestling - Episode 01-03-1995 and up

Post by Cooltwou »

I got season 3 in the rename section but I accidentally got 2 episodes of Season 2 in the rename section how do I remove them from the Rename section
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Re: Rename Extreme Championship Wrestling - Episode 01-03-1995 and up

Post by rednoah »

:idea: You can drag-n-drop only selected files into Original Files.

:idea: You can copy & paste only selected Episode items into New Names.

:idea: You can use the Icon DELETE button to delete items, or use the DELETE key on your keyboard. You can use SHIFT+DELETE to delete a selected item from only the one side that is currently in focus.


:idea: You can rename files in small groups so you can always check and confirm matches before hitting the Rename button. Since you are identifying files by airdate, you will want to use {d} airdate in your format (even if just temporarily) so that you can check if the date in the file name matches the Episode airdate as seen in the screenshot.

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Re: Rename Extreme Championship Wrestling - Episode 01-03-1995 and up

Post by Cooltwou »

Well ok but I am having a problem with Season 8 some of them renamed as Season 8 but some of them stayed named as Season 5 and I don’t know if the ones named Season 8 are the ones that are post to be named as Season 8
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Re: Rename Extreme Championship Wrestling - Episode 01-03-1995 and up

Post by rednoah »

:?: I think you mean to say that you have renamed many files without double-checking if the Episode match is correct, and ended up renaming a few files incorrectly?

If you have indeed accidentally miss-renamed files, then you can use the History to un-rename files, and then retry from the beginning. There's a How do I undo rename operations? video tutorial for that as well.
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Re: Rename Extreme Championship Wrestling - Episode 01-03-1995 and up

Post by Cooltwou »

I found the history but it didn’t change the names back of the videos in the original video files section and I don’t know why they didn’t change back and it said something about only doing 18 video files and I don’t know what that means either
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