[Plain File Mode] Match custom patterns and rewrite file paths

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[Plain File Mode] Match custom patterns and rewrite file paths

Post by rednoah »

Use Case:
Rename generic Sports episodes that are not listed on TheTVDB or TheMovieDB.

e.g. custom Plain File Format:

Format: Select all

/{ fn.match(/NBA|NHL/) }
/{ f.lastModified().toDate().format('MMMM') }
/{ fn.match(/\d{4}.\d{2}.\d{2}/).space('-') }
-{ fn.match( /\w+@\w+/ )}

e.g. sample files:
e.g. desired output file paths:

Console Output: Select all

/sports/NBA/December/[email protected]
/sports/NHL/December/[email protected]

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