[TheTVDB] Undefined Variable: Cannot invoke "String.equals(Object)" because "<parameter2>" is null

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[TheTVDB] Undefined Variable: Cannot invoke "String.equals(Object)" because "<parameter2>" is null

Post by RuralOregon »

Good evening,

I just installed Filebot 5.0 and I was able to re-name three tv shows. However when I went to rename Ghosts US Episode 17 of season 2 I get the following error:

Code: Select all

Undefined Variable: Cannot invoke "String.equals(Object)" because "<parameter2>" is null
I do not get any other error. I used FileBot console to capture this error.

Thank for any help on this issue.
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Re: Error Encountered: Undefined Variable

Post by rednoah »

I can reproduce the issue with TheTVDB and the following sample file:

Code: Select all

Ghosts US S17E02.mp4

:arrow: I recommend using Episode Mode: TheMovieDB instead.

:arrow: You can work around the TheTVDB issue by using SHIFT-CLICK <database> and then entering "Ghosts US" manually.

:!: FileBot 5.* uses TheTVDBv4 by default, and this seems to be the issue. You can switch back to TheTVDBv2 by running the following FileBot configuration command once:

Code: Select all

filebot -script fn:properties --def net.filebot.WebServices.TheTVDB.v2=true
:!: Note that TheTVDBv2 is scheduled to shutdown, and will stop working at some point in time in the future.


Looks like FileBot stumbles if it runs into "a series without a series name" search result which is apparently possible in the new API. I've reported the issue:
:idea: Please read the FAQ and How to Request Help.
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