[rtorrent] Latest rtorrent introduces breaking changes in how ~/.rtorrent.rc works

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[rtorrent] Latest rtorrent introduces breaking changes in how ~/.rtorrent.rc works

Post by katiepea »

I realize this may be redundant for many as most people who are probably using rtorrent / rutorrent / filebot script post processing are likely using a paid seedbox, which in turn is likely using older versions of rtorrent, but I thought I'd toss this information on here since it's documented exactly nowhere.

The call for post process script documented on these forums is:

Code: Select all

This will work fine for older versions of rtorrent that are being built from seedbox providers, however if your'e locally hosting your own, which I am, and have built from a newer source (GitHub) then the syntax for some events here are different. I believe the syntax changed with rtorrent .9*+ so if you're compiling from gitsource and have attempted to use the posted syntax you're going to have problems.

Code: Select all

is now

Code: Select all

other syntax changes follow the same logic here

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

So with those changes it should be noted if you're going to echo to your .rtorrent.rc the correct input would be

Code: Select all

echo 'method.set_key=event.download.finished,filebot,"execute={'`pwd`/rtorrent-postprocess.sh',$d.base_path=,$d.name=,$d.custom1=}"' >> ~/.rtorrent.rc
I wasn't really sure where to post this, I just wanted it to be searchable on search engines so someone else who may stumble across this wouldn't spend hours debugging this simple issue. The real problem is that rtorrent is barely maintained, and the syntax changes are obscurely documented. The only way I was even able to find the changes was viewing source. Sorry if this is posted in the wrong place

edit: I also just realized the title says rutorrent and not rtorrent, if this thread stays could the title be changed please?
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Re: [rtorrent] Latest rtorrent introduces breaking changes in how ~/.rtorrent.rc works

Post by rednoah »

Thanks for the heads up. I've added a note in the documentation.

Do you know which version or revision number introduced those changes?

If possible, please link the official documentation or change notes.
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Re: [rtorrent] Latest rtorrent introduces breaking changes in how ~/.rtorrent.rc works

Post by katiepea »

Best I can see is sometime after 0.9.4 I believe. Seems to have changed between commits and not specific release versions. If there's a better methodology for finding the exact change I'm not aware of it, at least not for this project, All I could find was this updated commands list which isn't even in a release notes.
https://github.com/rakshasa/rtorrent/bl ... ds_0.9.sed

I built from 0.9.6 so I can only speak to this specific release, I'm on OS X also and getting it to build was a nightmare unto itself so I'm not really up for testing older versions which would likely require me to parse 30 new flags to a different gcc than I currently have installed. If anyone is running a linux box and is up for compiling and testing multiple releases they would probably be more help on this.

Documentation listing examples of the newer commands is listed here https://github.com/rakshasa/rtorrent/wi ... Scheduling but I don't really see any release notes or changlogs. I do see people complaining in misc issue threads about there being no documentation on these changes though.
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Re: [rtorrent] Latest rtorrent introduces breaking changes in how ~/.rtorrent.rc works

Post by rednoah »

That's fine. The new config is valid from rtorrent 0.9.6 and above.
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Re: [rtorrent] Latest rtorrent introduces breaking changes in how ~/.rtorrent.rc works

Post by pyroscope »

The change is not the introduction of new syntax (that happened way back in 0.8.9), but the semantics of the existing "-D -K" switches changed (without notice, as usual). Those decide whether the old command redirects are added or not, and in 0.9.6 they are not any more, by default.
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Re: [rtorrent] Latest rtorrent introduces breaking changes in how ~/.rtorrent.rc works

Post by rednoah »

What's the most common rtorrent usage at this point? Should I update the instructions to generate the new config lines?
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Re: [rtorrent] Latest rtorrent introduces breaking changes in how ~/.rtorrent.rc works

Post by pyroscope »

See https://github.com/rakshasa/rtorrent/wi ... ration-0.9, migrate any commands. They work with 0.9.2+ (and 0.8.9), and are definitely more future-proof.
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Re: [rtorrent] Latest rtorrent introduces breaking changes in how ~/.rtorrent.rc works

Post by dr01dy »

can someone help me out with (0.9.6-2build1) based on this post there hasn't been a clear answer or solution.

Thx - Jeff
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