Before asking for a refund, please create a new bug report or support request here in the FileBot Forums, and describe why you're unhappy with FileBot. Screenshots or logs that show FileBot misbehaving are particularly welcome in this regard. If after all you're still unhappy with the product, then we're happy to issue a refund.
Universal License via Paddle
If you have purchased your license directly at via Paddle then I can issue a refund. Please send rednoah a private message with your name, email and order number. If you do not know your order number, you may contact Paddle (our payment processor) directly so they can look up your order number via your payment details.

Microsoft Store
If you have purchased FileBot on the Microsoft Store, then you'll need to contact Microsoft Support and ask for a refund. Refund policy may vary depending on your region. Unfortunately, developers have no control over refunds on the Microsoft Store, and can neither help you get a refund nor prevent you from getting a refund. It's all up to Microsoft. Please read the Microsoft Terms of Sale for details on their refund policy.Mac App Store
If you have purchased FileBot on the Mac App Store, then you'll need to contact Apple Support and ask for a refund. Refund policy may vary depending on your region. Unfortunately, developers have no control over refunds on the Mac App Store, and can neither help you get a refund nor prevent you from getting a refund. It's all up to Apple. Please read the Apple Media Services Terms and Conditionsfor details on their refund policy.