Preset Move function failing

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Preset Move function failing

Post by klebel »

I have started to try and use the presets so that it will not only do the renaming but reorganize based on the Plex Server folder structure. When I try to do the move I get the error message box popping up saying

Code: Select all

"MOVE:/Multimedia: Read-only file system"
For context:
Filebot is loaded locally on my MacBook
I have mounted the /multimedia shared folder on my QNAP NAS Server. Under /Multimedia I have subdirectories for TV Shows and Movies.

The move function will not work through the app, but the rename works just fine on files in that mounted share. I can then just drag and drop the files manually into the right folder. I'm not understanding why it wont do it through the presets though. Any suggestions? Thanks!
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Re: Preset Move function failing

Post by rednoah »

:arrow: Please post screenshots or files paths as text so that we can see what you are seeing and perhaps allow us to reproduce the issue ourselves.

:idea: Please read How to Request Help for details:
rednoah wrote: 31 Jul 2014, 16:40
  • Include Screenshots (absolutely required for new topics)
  • Include file paths as text when reporting mismatches (press F7 to copy debug information)
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Re: Preset Move function failing

Post by klebel »

Thanks but I don't see a way to insert an image to a post which is why I gave the exact error message text.
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Re: Preset Move function failing

Post by rednoah »

:?: Can you provide more information? The error message you have posted doesn't make sense to me for the following reasons:

Code: Select all

MOVE:/Multimedia: Read-only file system
* no source file path; no target file path
* /Multimedia doesn't make sense; macOS doesn't allow you to create folders in the / root folder; network shares would be mounted into /Volumes at the very least
* no space between :/ indicates that you didn't just copy & paste the error message verbatim; ideally you'll want to copy & paste the error message from the log verbatim

:arrow: Can you copy & paste the complete log so that we can see the complete error message? Please read How to Request Help on how to find and print the log. (tl;dr press the F5 key)

:arrow: We need to see what you can see. That will tell us what you're trying to do and ensure that we're on the same page. Please click on the link that says Screenshots read [FAQ] How can I share screenshots on the internet? to learn how to share screenshots. (tl;dr take a screenshot, then upload it to snipboard, then paste the link here)
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Re: Preset Move function failing

Post by klebel »

Let's try this one again. :)

The \Multimedia share is not on my Mac. It is on my QNAP Nas service and is mounted to my Mac which I mentioned in the first post. Here are images of what I was describing.

First image is the error message

Second image shows how I have the preset setup

Third image shows how the NAS Server folder is mounted to my Mac.

I hope this helps more. Thanks again.
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Re: Preset Move function failing

Post by klebel »

I'm an idiot. I figured it out. I was missing \Volumes at the beginning.

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Re: Preset Move function failing

Post by rednoah »

Ah, yes! The first screenshot makes it very clear. Your format instructs FileBot to create a Multimedia folder in the / file system root, and macOS of course gives FileBot a hard No! in return.

:idea: You can use the Icon button in the Format Editor to select a folder instead of typing it in manually. This will ensure that you're prepending a valid FileBot to your format.

:idea: Alternatively, if your files are already on that network share, then you can use {drive} to let FileBot fill in the file path to the network share at hand:

Format: Select all

{ drive }/{ }
:idea: Please read the FAQ and How to Request Help.
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