FileBot is the ultimate tool for renaming and organizing your movies, TV shows and Anime. Match and rename media files against online databases, download artwork and cover images, fetch subtitles, write metadata, and more, all at once in matter of seconds. It's smart and just works.

Getting Started
FileBot makes renaming and organizing media files a breeze. FileBot will automatically match your files with information from your preferred online database, and then rename and organize everything perfectly for you. You can customize your naming scheme to your specific needs and preferences, or keep things simple and stick to the {plex} naming standard.
- Drag movie or episode files into the Original Files list area
- Right-click New Names list area and select your preferred datasource
- Hit Rename
Fetching subtitles is just as easy, just drop it in. Besides automatic lookup you'll also be able to manually search and download subtitles, preview subtitles and fix encoding problems.
- Drag your movie or episode files onto the
drop area
- Hit Download
Run FileBot remotely and setup unattended automated workflows. FileBot offers a simple CLI for common use cases, and a built-in scripting engine for more complex tasks.
filebot -rename *.mkv
Your automated media center is one filebot command away – extract archives, identify and organize media files, fetch additional artwork and metadata, update Plex, and more – the amc script does it all.

Some Features
- A simple user-interface
- Native installers and packages for all operating systems
- A powerful command-line interface for any kind of automation
- Rename and move hundreds of files in a matter of seconds
- Organize files into a standard file structure for Plex, Kodi, Jellyfin and friends
- Fetch episode / movie information from TheMovieDB, TheTVDB or AniDB
- Match files with online episode / movie information auto-magically
- Powerful and highly customizable naming scheme
MediaInfo optional - Language preferences for episode / movie information
- Revert rename operations using the internal history
- Rename music using ID3 tags or AcoustID acoustic fingerprints
- Rename photos using Exif metadata
- Rename generic files using custom pattern matching
- Fetch subtitles from OpenSubtitles
- Find perfectly matching subtitles via file hash
- Upload subtitles with file hash
- Integrated subtitle viewer for srt, ass, sub and sami files
- Transcode subtitle format and character encoding
- Compute and verify sfv, md5, sha1 and sha256 files
- Match and verify 8-digit checksums embedded in the file name
common in anime releases - Find and verify checksums for individual files
- Compare two or more directory trees
- Batch extract files from archives and ISO images

- Windows installer: FileBot_5.1.6_x64.msi or FileBot_5.1.6_arm64.msi
- macOS installer: FileBot_5.1.6_x64.pkg or FileBot_5.1.6_arm64.pkg
- Ubuntu / Debian package: FileBot_5.1.6_amd64.deb
- Ubuntu / Debian package is available via APT
- Fedora / openSUSE / CentOS package: FileBot_5.1.6_amd64.rpm
- Fedora / openSUSE / CentOS package is available via DNF and ZYPPER
- POSIX portable tarball: FileBot_5.1.6-portable.tar.xz for other Linux and FreeBSD devices
- POSIX installer scripts are available via cURL
- Windows packages are available via winget and via scoop
- macOS package is available via brew cask
- Synology NAS package is available via Package Center
- QNAP NAS package is available via App Center
- Arch Linux package is available via AUR
- Universal Linux package is available via Snapcraft
- unRAID containers are available via Community Apps
- Docker images are available on Docker Hub
- All packages are available on our Release Index

Buy a License
Purchase 1 year universal license- Please type your email address correctly when purchasing a license.
- Please download and evaluate FileBot before purchasing a license.
- Please read the refund policy carefully before purchasing a life-time license.
- A single per-user license is valid on all platforms and can be used on multiple machines.
- Microsoft Store and Mac App Store purchases neither include nor require a universal license.