⭑⭑ Please watch the Getting Started and Video Tutorials if you have not done so already. ⭑⭑
Q: Can I move files? Can I rename folders? Can I change how files and folders are named?
Yes, the naming scheme is extremely flexible. You can transform the given variables into any file path you can conceive. Sorting files into a new folder structure is thus fully supported. Please use Double-Click ➔
You can define an absolute path in the naming scheme:
Format: Select all
{ drive }/Media/TV Shows/{ n }/Season { s.pad(2) }/{ n } - { s00e00 } - { t }
Format: Select all
{ drive }/Media/{ plex.id }

Q: How do I fix misidentified files?
If series / movie auto-detection does not work, then you can use

If you're using the command-line you can do the same via the --q and --filter options. Please read --q manual lookup and --filter and fine-tuning manual. The --mapper option may also come in handy. When dealing with problematic files manually on the command-line, the --action test and --mode interactive options can be used for testing and checking.

Q: How can I make FileBot remember my decisions? How can I make FileBot not ask me to confirm each movie or series?
Please toggle

Q: How do I exclude a file from the renaming?
Select the file that you want to exclude from renaming and press DELETE or BACKSPACE to remove
Q: FileBot does not give me the season number. I have {s00e00} in my format, but it'll only give me the episode number. What did I do wrong?
You have selected Episode Order: Absolute in the
Are you using

Q: FileBot is using E20240701 and not S02E24 as episode number. What did I do wrong?
You have selected Episode Order: Date and Title (see Absolute Airdate Mode) in the
Q: How can I make FileBot only process video files? i.e. ignore artwork, nfo files, etc
You can selectively drop files, e.g. search for *.mkv, select all and drag into FileBot. Please read How do I process only specific kinds of files? for more options and examples.Q: How can I rename video files ripped from a DVD or BluRay disk?
If you rip video files from a DVD, then you will typically get file names that do not contain SxE numbers (e.g. Alias-V01D01T01.mp4) and thus cannot be matched to

Q: How can I rename folders? It's only letting me rename files when I drop folders!
When you drop a folder into Original Files, then FileBot will add all the files within that folder to the list. You can use

Q: FileBot is highlighting episodes in shades of red colour. What does this mean?
Shades of RED colour highlight potential mismatches at varying degrees of oddness. RED colour does not mean that the match is incorrect, and merely suggests that something seems to be a bit off. Please double-check everything before hitting Rename.Q: FileBot is deleting the extension from files when renaming. What did I do wrong?
You have set

Q: Can I undo rename operations? Can I revert previously renamed files to their original names?
Yes. Please click

Q: How can I get rid of (US) (UK) (2005) etc at the end of the series name?
Please adjust your custom format according to what you want.Format: Select all
{ n.replaceTrailingBrackets() }
Q: Can I quickly switch to a previously used naming scheme?
Yes. Please click
Q: Can I process video files without reading media info?
FileBot may read the first few megabytes for each video file to parse MediaInfo properties. If you are processing files on a remote file system, then I/O latency can be >1s compared to the typical <10ms of a local drive. You may configure FileBot to not read MediaInfo, or pregenerate MediaInfo locally on the server-side ahead of time. Please read Optimizations for Remote File Systems for details on how to configure FileBot for your environment.Q: I'm trying to run FileBot from the console, but I'm having trouble passing in --format because of spaces or double-quotes?
Please read up on how Cmdline and Argument Passing works. Please consider using @file syntax for reading command-line arguments from text files instead of passing complex arguments on the command-line.Please use the sysenv script to print the argument array so that you can see what is being passed in:
Shell: Select all
filebot -script fn:sysenv
Q: Why are some bindings not working in the Format Editor? It says "BindingException: Sample file has not been set"
You have not yet selected a media file for testing. Please click
Q: How can I enter my OpenSubtitles login details?
You can enter your OpenSubtitles login details (for OpenSubtitles.com and not OpenSubtitles.org) by clicking
Shell: Select all
filebot -script fn:configure
Q: Does FileBot have keyboard shortcuts?
Yes. Please read Keyboard Shortcuts for details.Q: How can I tell what version of FileBot I've got installed?

Groovy: Select all
runScript 'sysinfo'

Shell: Select all
filebot -version
Q: Where are the logs? What does the log say?

Groovy: Select all
runScript 'logs'

Shell: Select all
filebot -script fn:logs
Q: Where is the application data folder? How do I backup my settings? How do I restore my settings?
The default location for application data (e.g. settings, logs, etc) is %APPDATA%\FileBot on Windows and $HOME/.filebot on macOS and Linux but may vary depending on how you have installed FileBot. You can backup and restore your settings via Export User Data and Restore User Data.

e.g. Windows:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
~/Library/Containers/net.filebot.FileBot/Data/Library/Application Support/User Data
Code: Select all